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9 calls to panels_render_display() in Panels 7.3

panels_edit_display_form_preview in includes/
Submission of the preview button. Render the preview and put it into the preview widget area.
panels_mini_block_view in panels_mini/panels_mini.module
Implementation of hook_block_view().
panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_render in panels_mini/plugins/content_types/
Render a mini panel called from a panels display.
panels_node_hook_view in panels_node/panels_node.module
Implementation of hook_view().
panels_panel_context_edit_preview in plugins/task_handlers/
Form to show a nice preview.
panels_panel_context_edit_preview_submit in plugins/task_handlers/
Display a preview upon submit if arguments were needed.
panels_panel_context_render in plugins/task_handlers/
Check selection rules and, if passed, render the contexts.
panels_renderer_ipe::ajax_save_form in panels_ipe/plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_ipe.class.php
AJAX entry point to create the controller form for an IPE.
panels_renderer_ipe::ajax_set_layout in panels_ipe/plugins/display_renderers/panels_renderer_ipe.class.php