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27 calls to panels_plugin_get_function() in Panels 6.2

panels_ajax_cache_method in includes/
Entry point for AJAX modal: configure pane cache method
panels_argument_choose_display in includes/
Pick which display an argument wants to use
panels_argument_get_context in includes/
Get a context from an argument
panels_clear_cached_content in includes/
Clear all cached content for a display.
panels_content_config_form in includes/
Master FAPI definition for all pane add/edit configuration forms.
panels_content_config_form_submit in includes/
FAPI submission function for the edit content form.
panels_context_create in includes/
Create a new context.
panels_context_create_empty in includes/
panels_context_get_context in includes/
Get a context from a context object.
panels_ct_get_content in includes/
Get the content from a given content type.
panels_ct_get_title in includes/
Get the title from a given content type.
panels_ct_pane_config_form in includes/
Call any content type-defined add/edit callbacks so that additions to $form['configuration'] can be made.
panels_ct_pane_submit_form in includes/
Call any add/edit submit handlers defined by the content type.
panels_ct_pane_validate_form in includes/
Call any add/edit validators defined by the content type.
panels_edit_cache_settings_form in includes/
Cache settings form
panels_edit_cache_settings_form_submit in includes/
Allows panel styles to validate their style settings.
panels_edit_cache_settings_form_validate in includes/
Validate cache settings.
panels_edit_layout_settings_form_submit in includes/
Store changes from the layout settings form.
panels_edit_layout_settings_form_validate in includes/
Validate the layout settings form.
panels_get_cached_content in includes/
Get cached content for a given display and possibly pane.
panels_page_construct_menu_item_metadata in panels_page/
panels_pane_access in includes/
Master pane access function; combines all the relevant parameters that natively used by the Panels API to determine a pane's access. Called from panels_render_panes().
panels_relationship_get_context in includes/
Fetch a context from a relationship, given the context input.
panels_set_cached_content in includes/
Store cached content for a given display and possibly pane.
panels_style_settings_form_submit in includes/
Allows panel styles to make changes to their style settings during submit.
panels_style_settings_form_validate in includes/
Allows panel styles to validate their style settings.
panels_switcher_switch in includes/
Switch one object for another just prior to load.