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11 calls to panels_get_renderer_handler() in Panels 7.3

panels_ajax_router in ./panels.module
Route Panels' AJAX calls to the correct object.
panels_change_layout in includes/
Form definition for the display layout converter.
panels_display::render in ./panels.module
Render this panels display.
panels_get_renderer in includes/
Choose a renderer for a display based on a render pipeline setting.
panels_layouts_ui::edit_form in plugins/export_ui/panels_layouts_ui.class.php
Provide the actual editing form.
panels_mini_ui::edit_form_content in panels_mini/plugins/export_ui/panels_mini_ui.class.php
panels_page_wizard_add_content in includes/
Add content editor form helper for panels page wizards.
panels_panel_context_edit_content in plugins/task_handlers/
Present the panels drag & drop editor to edit the display attached to the task handler.
panels_panel_context_render in plugins/task_handlers/
Check selection rules and, if passed, render the contexts.
panels_print_layout in ./panels.module
For external use: Given a layout ID and $content array, return panel display.
_panels_edit in includes/
Handle calling and processing of the form for editing display content.