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8 calls to panels_get_panels() in Panels 6.2

panels_ajax_add_pane_choose in includes/
Entry point for AJAX: 'Add Content' modal form, from which the user selects the type of pane to add.
panels_change_layout in includes/
Form definition for the display layout converter.
panels_common_get_layout_information in includes/
The layout information fieldset displayed at admin/edit/panel-%implementation%/add/%layout%.
panels_edit_display_form in includes/
Form definition for the panels display editor
panels_edit_layout_settings_form in includes/
Form definition for the display layout settings editor.
panels_render_panes in includes/
Render all the panes in a display into a $content array to be used by the display theme function.
theme_panels_common_content_list in includes/
Create a visible list of content in a display. Note that the contexts must be pre-loaded.
theme_panels_edit_display_form in includes/
Theme the edit display form.