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8 calls to panels_get_content_type() in Panels 6.2

panels_add_content in includes/
panels_ajax_add_pane_config in includes/
AJAX entry point for to configure a pane that has just been added.
panels_ajax_configure_pane in includes/
AJAX entry point for to configure a pane that has just been added.
panels_ct_get_types in includes/
Get all of the individual types provided by a given content type. This would be all of the blocks for the block type, or all of the views for the view type.
panels_pane_access in includes/
Master pane access function; combines all the relevant parameters that natively used by the Panels API to determine a pane's access. Called from panels_render_panes().
panels_render_panes in includes/
Render all the panes in a display into a $content array to be used by the display theme function.
panels_save_display in ./panels.module
Save a display object.
panels_show_pane in includes/