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14 calls to panels_context_create() in Panels 6.2

panels_book_parent_context in relationships/
Return a new context based on an existing context
panels_nid_context in arguments/
Discover if this argument gives us the node we crave.
panels_node_add_context in arguments/
Discover if this argument gives us the node we crave.
panels_node_edit_content in panels_node/panels_node.module
Pass through to the panels content editor.
panels_node_edit_context in arguments/
Discover if this argument gives us the node we crave.
panels_node_edit_layout in panels_node/panels_node.module
Pass through to the panels layout editor.
panels_node_view in panels_node/panels_node.module
Implementation of hook_view().
panels_panel_node_view_render in plugins/task_handlers/
Attempt to render a node.
panels_term_context in arguments/
Discover if this argument gives us the term we crave.
panels_term_from_node_context in relationships/
Return a new context based on an existing context
panels_term_parent_context in relationships/
Return a new context based on an existing context
panels_uid_context in arguments/
Discover if this argument gives us the user we crave.
panels_user_from_node_context in relationships/
Return a new context based on an existing context
panels_vid_context in arguments/
Discover if this argument gives us the vocabulary we crave.