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i18n_panels.module in Panels 7.3

Internationalization (i18n) submodule: Panels translation.


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 * @file
 * Internationalization (i18n) submodule: Panels translation.

 * Fetch the i18n_settings of the content type if there are any.
 * @param stdClass $pane
 *   The pane to deal with.
 * @return array|false
 *   Settings or FALSE if none are present.
function i18n_panels_get_i18n_settings($pane) {
  $content_type = ctools_get_content_type($pane->type);
  if (isset($content_type['i18n_settings'])) {
    if (is_string($content_type['i18n_settings']) && function_exists($content_type['i18n_settings'])) {
      $content_type['i18n_settings'] = $content_type['i18n_settings']($pane->configuration);

  // Provide the override title string as translation for all panes that have
  // this setting enabled.
  if (isset($pane->configuration['override_title']) && $pane->configuration['override_title']) {
    if (isset($content_type['i18n_settings']) && is_array($content_type['i18n_settings'])) {
      $content_type['i18n_settings'][] = 'override_title_text';
    else {
      $content_type['i18n_settings'] = array(
  return isset($content_type['i18n_settings']) ? $content_type['i18n_settings'] : FALSE;

 * Returns the translation object of the pane.
 * @param stdClass $pane
 *   The pane to deal with.
 * @return stdClass|FALSE
 *   Returns FALSE if no translation is necessary.
function i18n_panels_get_i18n_translation_object($pane) {
  $translation_object = array();

  // Handle content type specific i18n settings.
  if ($i18n_settings = i18n_panels_get_i18n_settings($pane)) {

    // Register translatable settings.
    foreach ($i18n_settings as $i18n_setting => $settings) {
      if (!is_array($settings)) {
        $i18n_setting = $settings;
        $settings = array(
          'format' => 'plain_text',
      $translation_object[$i18n_setting] = NULL;
      $key_exists = FALSE;

      // Ensure a nested setting is "unpacked".
      $config_value = drupal_array_get_nested_value($pane->configuration, explode('|', $i18n_setting), $key_exists);

      // If we reached the end of the nested setting use the value as source.
      if ($key_exists) {
        $translation_object[$i18n_setting] = array(
          'string' => $config_value,
          'format' => $settings['format'],
        $translation_object['panels_i18n_settings'][$i18n_setting] = $settings;

  // Check if this pane has a custom title enabled.
  if (!empty($pane->configuration['override_title'])) {
    $translation_object['title']['string'] = $pane->configuration['override_title_text'];
  if (!empty($translation_object)) {
    return (object) $translation_object;
  return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_panels_pane_insert().
 * @param stdClass $pane
 *   The pane to deal with.
function i18n_panels_panels_pane_insert($pane) {

 * Implements hook_panels_pane_update().
 * @param stdClass $pane
 *   The pane to deal with.
function i18n_panels_panels_pane_update($pane) {
  if ($translation_object = i18n_panels_get_i18n_translation_object($pane)) {
    $translation_object->uuid = $pane->uuid;
    $status = i18n_string_object_update('pane_configuration', $translation_object);

 * Implements hook_panels_pane_delete().
 * @param array $pids
 *   Array with the panel ids to delete.
function i18n_panels_panels_pane_delete($pids) {
  if (!empty($pids)) {

    // Fetch the uuids from the db.
    $uuids = db_select('panels_pane')
      ->fields('panels_pane', array(
      ->condition('pid', $pids)
    foreach ($uuids as $uuid) {

      // Create dummy pane with uuid as property.
      $pane = (object) array(
        'uuid' => $uuid,
      i18n_string_object_remove('pane_configuration', $pane);

 * Implements hook_panels_pane_prerender().
 * @param stdClass $pane
 *   The pane to deal with.
function i18n_panels_panels_pane_prerender($pane) {

  // Check if this pane has translations.
  if (isset($pane->uuid) && ($translation_object = i18n_panels_get_i18n_translation_object($pane))) {
    $translation_object->uuid = $pane->uuid;

    // Send to translation.
    $translation_object = i18n_string_object_translate('pane_configuration', $translation_object);
    unset($translation_object->uuid, $translation_object->i18n_settings);
    foreach ($translation_object as $i18n_setting => $translated_setting) {
      if ($i18n_setting != 'panels_i18n_settings') {
        if (is_array($translated_setting)) {
          $translated_setting = $translated_setting['string'];
        drupal_array_set_nested_value($pane->configuration, explode('|', $i18n_setting), $translated_setting);

 * Implements hook_panels_display_save().
 * @param panels_display $display
 *   The display to deal with.
function i18n_panels_panels_display_save($display) {
  $status = i18n_string_object_update('display_configuration', $display);

 * Implements hook_panels_display_delete().
 * @param int $did
 *   Id of the display to delete.
function i18n_panels_panels_delete_display($did) {

  // Fetch uuid to delete the translations.
  $uuid = db_select('panels_display')
    ->fields('panels_display', array(
    ->condition('did', $did)

  // Build a dummy display.
  $display = (object) array(
    'uuid' => $uuid,

  // Check if this display was just saved in the db.
  if (!_18n_panels_is_exported_panels_display($display)) {

    // If the display was just saved in the db remove all translations.
    i18n_string_object_remove('display_configuration', $display);

    // Remove related pane translations too.
    $pids = db_select('panels_pane')
      ->fields('panels_pane', array(
      ->condition('did', $did)
  else {

    // If the display is exported leave the translated strings but give the user
    // a hint how to clean up.
    drupal_set_message(t('The reverted panels display(s) were exported, please run a <a href="!link">string refresh</a> to update the translatable strings.', array(
      '!link' => url('admin/config/regional/translate/i18n_string'),
    )), 'warning', FALSE);

 * Implements hook_panels_pre_render().
 * This function must not rely on the passed $renderer parameter. The parameter
 * could be empty because this function is reused in i18n_ctools_render_alter().
 * @todo Check if a drupal_alter() in panels_display::get_title() is applicable.
 * @see i18n_ctools_render_alter()
 * @param panels_display $display
 *   The display to deal with.
 * @param panels_renderer_standard $renderer
 *   The renderer to deal with.
function i18n_panels_panels_pre_render(&$display, $renderer) {

  // Avoid double translations.
  if (!isset($display->i18n_panels_title_translated)) {
    $translation = i18n_string_object_translate('display_configuration', $display);
    if (is_array($translation->title)) {
      $display->title = $translation->title['string'];
    else {
      $display->title = $translation->title;
    $display->i18n_panels_title_translated = TRUE;

 * Implements hook_ctools_render_alter().
 * Under some circumstances the title of the panel page is set before
 * hook_panels_pre_render() is fired. Such cases can be handled with this hook.
 * @todo Check if a drupal_alter() in panels_display::get_title() is applicable.
function i18n_ctools_render_alter(&$info, $page, $context) {

  // @todo Find a better way to detect a panels page.
  if ($page === TRUE && !empty($info['content']['#display']) && $info['content']['#display'] instanceof panels_display) {
    i18n_panels_panels_pre_render($info['content']['#display'], NULL);

    // Set the info title. This is used to set the page title.
    $info['title'] = $info['content']['#display']

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_post_alter().
 * Register some translatable configuration settings for plugins.
function i18n_panels_ctools_plugin_post_alter(&$plugin, $plugin_type_info) {
  if ($plugin_type_info['type'] == 'content_types') {

    // Modify custom content.
    if ($plugin['name'] == 'custom') {

      // Register callback to get the translatable settings.
      $plugin['i18n_settings'] = 'ctools_custom_content_type_i18n_settings';

 * Callback to provide the translatable settings appropriate to the config.
 * @param array $conf
 *   Content type configuration.
 * @return array
 *   i18n_settings configuration.
function ctools_custom_content_type_i18n_settings($conf) {
  return array(
    'body' => array(
      'format' => $conf['format'],

 * Implements hook_i18n_string_list_TEXTGROUP_alter().
 * Necessary to support the dynamic translatable settings defined by ctools
 * content types.
function i18n_panels_i18n_string_list_panels_alter(&$strings, $type = NULL, $object = NULL) {
  if (isset($object->panels_i18n_settings)) {
    foreach ($object->panels_i18n_settings as $i18n_setting => $settings) {
      if (isset($object->{$i18n_setting})) {
        $strings['panels'][$type][$object->uuid][$i18n_setting] = $object->{$i18n_setting};

 * Implements hook_i18n_string_list().
 * @todo Figure out a generic solution to fetch exported displays.
function i18n_panels_i18n_string_list($group) {
  $strings = array();
  if ($group == 'panels') {

    // Fetch all available displays.
    $displays = _18n_panels_fetch_all_panel_displays();
    foreach ($displays as $display) {
      if (empty($display->uuid)) {
        drupal_set_message(t('The display %display has no uuid, please resave or re-export it.', array(
          '%display' => $display->did,
        )), 'warning');

      // Avoid duplicated runs _18n_panels_fetch_all_panel_displays() probably
      // returns the same display twice, one for the db based and one for the
      // exported one.
      if (isset($strings['panels']['display_configuration'][$display->uuid])) {
      $strings['panels']['display_configuration'][$display->uuid]['title']['string'] = $display->title;
      foreach ($display->content as $pane) {
        if (empty($pane->uuid)) {

          // Fetch exported uuid and validate it.
          $uuid = str_replace('new-', '', $pane->pid);
          if (!ctools_uuid_is_valid($uuid)) {
            drupal_set_message(t('The pane %pane has no uuid, please resave or re-export it.', array(
              '%pane' => $pane->pid,
            )), 'warning');
          $pane->uuid = $uuid;
        if ($translation_object = i18n_panels_get_i18n_translation_object($pane)) {

          // Split up all strings and add them to the list.
          $pane_strings = (array) $translation_object;
          foreach ($pane_strings as $key => $pane_string) {
            $strings['panels']['pane_configuration'][$pane->uuid][$key] = $pane_string;
  return $strings;

 * Checks if the give display is exported or only stored in the db.
 * @return boolean
 *   TRUE if the display is available from code.
function _18n_panels_is_exported_panels_display($display) {
  if (!isset($display->uuid)) {
    return FALSE;
  $uuid = $display->uuid;

  // Check exported displays.
  $panels_display_temp = ctools_export_crud_load('panels_display', $uuid);
  $panels_mini_temp = ctools_export_crud_load('panels_mini', $uuid);
  if (!empty($panels_display_temp) || !empty($panels_mini_temp) || module_exists('panelizer') && ctools_export_crud_load('panelizer_defaults', $uuid)) {
    return TRUE;

  // Check page manager embedded displays.
  // @see _18n_panels_fetch_all_panel_displays()
  if (module_exists('page_manager')) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'page_manager', 'page_manager.admin');
    $tasks = page_manager_get_tasks_by_type('page');
    $pages = array(
      'operations' => array(),
      'tasks' => array(),
    page_manager_get_pages($tasks, $pages);
    foreach ($pages['tasks'] as $task) {
      $page = page_manager_cache_load($task);
      foreach ($page->handler_info as $id => $info) {
        $page_manager_handler = $page->handlers[$id];
        if ($page_manager_handler->handler == 'panel_context') {
          $is_exported = $page_manager_handler->export_type == (EXPORT_IN_CODE | EXPORT_IN_DATABASE) || isset($page->subtask['storage']) && $page->subtask['storage'] == t('Overridden');
          if (!empty($page_manager_handler->conf['display'])) {
            $panels_display = $page_manager_handler->conf['display'];
            if ($panels_display->uuid == $uuid) {
              return TRUE;
          elseif ($is_exported && isset($page_manager_handler->conf['did'])) {
            $panels_display = panels_load_display($page_manager_handler->conf['did']);
            if (isset($panels_display->uuid) && $panels_display->uuid == $uuid) {
              return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Returns a list of really all available panel displays.
 * The list is statically cached. Use the parameter $reset to refresh the list
 * during the same request.
 * Probably returns the same display twice - once with the db based and once
 * the exported one.
 * @todo I bet there are better ways to solve this mess.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   Reset the static cache.
 * @return array
 *   List of all panel displays.
function _18n_panels_fetch_all_panel_displays($reset = FALSE) {
  $displays =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
  if (!empty($displays) && !$reset) {
    return $displays;

  // Fetch db based displays.
  $dids = db_select('panels_display')
    ->fields('panels_display', array(
  $displays = panels_load_displays($dids);

  // Fetch exported displays.
  foreach (ctools_export_crud_load_all('panels_display') as $panels_display) {
    if (!empty($panels_display->uuid)) {
      $displays['exported-' . $panels_display->uuid] = $panels_display;

  // Fetch mini panels.
  $mini_panels = ctools_export_crud_load_all('panels_mini');
  foreach ($mini_panels as $pane) {
    if (!empty($pane->display->uuid)) {
      $displays['exported-' . $pane->display->uuid] = $pane->display;

  // Fetch in page manager embedded displays.
  if (module_exists('page_manager')) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'page_manager', 'page_manager.admin');
    $tasks = page_manager_get_tasks_by_type('page');
    $pages = array(
      'operations' => array(),
      'tasks' => array(),
    page_manager_get_pages($tasks, $pages);
    foreach ($pages['tasks'] as $task) {
      $page = page_manager_cache_load($task);
      $task_info = page_manager_get_task_subtasks($page->task);
      foreach ($page->handler_info as $id => $info) {
        $page_manager_handler = $page->handlers[$id];
        if ($page_manager_handler->handler == 'panel_context') {

          // @todo Is there really no better way to check this?
          $is_exported = $page_manager_handler->export_type == (EXPORT_IN_CODE | EXPORT_IN_DATABASE) || isset($page->subtask['storage']) && $page->subtask['storage'] == t('Overridden');
          if (!empty($page_manager_handler->conf['display'])) {
            $panels_display = $page_manager_handler->conf['display'];
            $displays['exported-' . $panels_display->uuid] = $panels_display;
          elseif ($is_exported && isset($page_manager_handler->conf['did'])) {
            $panels_display = panels_load_display($page_manager_handler->conf['did']);
            if (isset($panels_display->uuid)) {
              $displays['exported-' . $panels_display->uuid] = $panels_display;

  // Fetch panelizer displays.
  if (module_exists('panelizer')) {

    // Fetch all default handlers.
    $panelizer_defaults = ctools_export_crud_load_all('panelizer_defaults');
    foreach ($panelizer_defaults as $panelizer_default) {
      $displays['exported-' . $panelizer_default->display->uuid] = $panelizer_default->display;
  return $displays;
