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public function PanelizerEntityBase::getDefaultDisplay in Panelizer 8.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 src/Plugin/PanelizerEntityBase.php \Drupal\panelizer\Plugin\PanelizerEntityBase::getDefaultDisplay()
  2. 8.3 src/Plugin/PanelizerEntityBase.php \Drupal\panelizer\Plugin\PanelizerEntityBase::getDefaultDisplay()

Creates a default Panels display from the core Entity display.

As much as possible, this should attempt to make the settings on the Panels display match the existing core settings, so that ideally the user doesn't notice any change upon Panelizing an entity's view mode.


\Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface $display: The entity view display holding the display options configured for the entity components.

string $bundle: The bundle to panelize.

string $view_mode: The view mode to panelize.

Return value


Overrides PanelizerEntityInterface::getDefaultDisplay

3 methods override PanelizerEntityBase::getDefaultDisplay()
PanelizerNode::getDefaultDisplay in src/Plugin/PanelizerEntity/PanelizerNode.php
Creates a default Panels display from the core Entity display.
PanelizerTerm::getDefaultDisplay in src/Plugin/PanelizerEntity/PanelizerTerm.php
Creates a default Panels display from the core Entity display.
PanelizerUser::getDefaultDisplay in src/Plugin/PanelizerEntity/PanelizerUser.php
Creates a default Panels display from the core Entity display.


src/Plugin/PanelizerEntityBase.php, line 65


Base class for Panelizer entity plugins.




public function getDefaultDisplay(EntityViewDisplayInterface $display, $bundle, $view_mode) {
  $panels_display = $this->panelsManager
    'label' => $this
  ] + $panels_display

  // @todo: For now we always use the IPE, but we should support not using the ipe.

  // Add all the visible fields to the Panel.
  $entity_type_id = $this

   * @var string $field_name
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition
  foreach ($this->entityFieldManager
    ->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type_id, $bundle) as $field_name => $field_definition) {

    // Skip the Panelizer field.
    if ($field_definition
      ->getType() == 'panelizer') {
    if ($component = $display
      ->getComponent($field_name)) {
      $weight = $component['weight'];
        'id' => 'entity_field:' . $entity_type_id . ':' . $field_name,
        'label' => $field_definition
        'provider' => 'ctools_block',
        'label_display' => '0',
        'formatter' => $component,
        'context_mapping' => [
          'entity' => '@panelizer.entity_context:entity',
        'region' => 'content',
        'weight' => $weight,
  return $panels_display;