public function LayoutBuilderMigrationConfirmForm::getDescription in Panelizer 8.5
Returns additional text to display as a description.
Return value
\Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup The form description.
Overrides ConfirmFormBase::getDescription
- src/
Form/ LayoutBuilderMigrationConfirmForm.php, line 138
- LayoutBuilderMigrationConfirmForm
- A confirmation form for migrating an entity display to Layout Builder.
public function getDescription() {
$description = '';
$description .= '<p>' . $this
->t('Hold your horses, cowpoke. <strong>This migration has <em>NOT</em> been thoroughly tested</strong>, and it will modify both the content and configuration of your site. That means <strong>there is a risk of data loss!</strong>') . '</p>';
$description .= '<p>' . $this
->t('If you choose to proceed, it is <strong><em>strongly recommended that you back up</em></strong> your database and configuration first, in case things go wrong and you need to restore everything to a pre-migration state. You should also thoroughly examine your site after the migration to ensure everything looks and works the way you expect it to.') . '</p>';
$description .= '<p>' . $this
->t('If you discover problems, please <a href=":url">post an issue in the Panelizer issue queue</a> describing what went awry, in much detail as possible. That will help us fix it and make this migration better for everyone.', [
':url' => '',
]) . '</p>';
$description .= '<p>' . $this
->t('You <strong>cannot undo this operation!</strong>') . '</p>';
return $description;