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README.txt in Panelizer 7


Panelizer allows you to treat any node type as a panel node. You can provide
default panels, per node type, and control both the available content and
available layouts, also per node type.


Install this through the normal Drupal method of putting the module in
sites/all/modules and going to admin/build/modules to activate it.

It requires Panels and Page Manager.


Visit administer >> settings >> panelizer to enable the module for the node
types you need. 

Ensure that the node template system page is enabled.


  drupal_alter('panelizer_default_types', $types, $context1);

Future functionality
  - Allow panels for different build modes -- this is tricky
  - Fully implement the ability to choose from different defaults and restrict
    custom panel per node
  - Implement user panelizer
  - Implement panel subtabs. i.e, allow node/27/arbitrarylink to be a subtab
    of a node, using panelizer.


View source
  1. ABOUT
  2. Panelizer allows you to treat any node type as a panel node. You can provide
  3. default panels, per node type, and control both the available content and
  4. available layouts, also per node type.
  6. Install this through the normal Drupal method of putting the module in
  7. sites/all/modules and going to admin/build/modules to activate it.
  8. It requires Panels and Page Manager.
  10. Visit administer >> settings >> panelizer to enable the module for the node
  11. types you need.
  12. Ensure that the node template system page is enabled.
  13. API
  14. @todo
  15. drupal_alter('panelizer_default_types', $types, $context1);
  16. Future functionality
  17. - Allow panels for different build modes -- this is tricky
  18. - Fully implement the ability to choose from different defaults and restrict
  19. custom panel per node
  20. - Implement user panelizer
  21. - Implement panel subtabs. i.e, allow node/27/arbitrarylink to be a subtab
  22. of a node, using panelizer.