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page_url_qr_code_block.schema.yml in Page URL QR Code Block 8



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  1. block.settings.page_url_qr_code_block:
  2. type: block_settings
  3. label: 'QR Code block configuration'
  4. mapping:
  5. page_url_qr_code_caption:
  6. type: text
  7. label: 'Caption'
  8. description: 'Will display under the QR Code'
  9. page_url_qr_code_alt:
  10. type: text
  11. label: 'Alt Text'
  12. page_url_qr_code_width_height:
  13. type: text
  14. label: 'QR Code Width & Height'
  15. description: 'Width & Height will be same. i.e. 150'
  16. page_url_qr_code_api:
  17. type: text
  18. label: 'Select API'
  19. description: 'Select other API where Google is restricted'