8 calls to page_title_get_settings() in Page Title 7.2
- page_title_admin_settings in ./
page_title.admin.inc - Displays the form for the standard settings tab.
- page_title_node_load in ./
page_title.module - Implement hook_node_load().
- page_title_node_type_form_submit in ./
page_title.module - Submit handler for the node_type_form element added in the hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() above.
- page_title_page_get_title in ./
page_title.module - Determines what title should be sent to the page template.
- page_title_page_title_pattern_alter in modules/
page_title.page_title.inc - Implements hook_page_title_pattern_alter().
- page_title_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete in ./
page_title.module - Implement hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete().
- page_title_taxonomy_vocabulary_insert in ./
page_title.module - Implement hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_insert().
- page_title_taxonomy_vocabulary_update in ./
page_title.module - Implement hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_update().