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VariantRouteFilterTest.php in Page Manager 8

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  1. 8.4 tests/src/Unit/VariantRouteFilterTest.php


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\Tests\page_manager\Unit\VariantRouteFilterTest.
namespace Drupal\Tests\page_manager\Unit;

use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\ContextException;
use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Path\CurrentPathStack;
use Drupal\page_manager\PageVariantInterface;
use Drupal\page_manager\Routing\VariantRouteFilter;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\Enhancer\RouteEnhancerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\page_manager\Routing\VariantRouteFilter
 * @group PageManager
class VariantRouteFilterTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * The mocked entity type manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface|\Prophecy\Prophecy\ProphecyInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The mocked page storage.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorageInterface|\Prophecy\Prophecy\ProphecyInterface
  protected $pageVariantStorage;

   * The mocked current path stack.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Path\CurrentPathStack|\Prophecy\Prophecy\ProphecyInterface
  protected $currentPath;

   * The route filter under test.
   * @var \Drupal\page_manager\Routing\VariantRouteFilter
  protected $routeFilter;

   * The request stack.
   * @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack
  protected $requestStack;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->pageVariantStorage = $this
    $this->entityTypeManager = $this
    $this->currentPath = $this
    $this->requestStack = new RequestStack();
    $this->routeFilter = new VariantRouteFilter($this->entityTypeManager
      ->reveal(), $this->currentPath
      ->reveal(), $this->requestStack);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function tearDown() {

    // The request stack begins empty, ensure it is empty after filtering.

   * @covers ::filter
  public function testFilterEmptyCollection() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request();
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [];
      ->assertSame($expected, $result
      ->assertSame([], $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::getVariantRouteName
   * @covers ::checkPageVariantAccess
  public function testFilterContextException() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request();
    $route = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'a_variant',
      ->add('a_route', $route);
    $page_variant = $this
      ->willThrow(new ContextException());
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [];
      ->assertSame($expected, $result
      ->assertSame([], $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::getVariantRouteName
  public function testFilterNonMatchingRoute() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request();
    $route = new Route('/path/with/{slug}');
      ->add('a_route', $route);
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [
      'a_route' => $route,
      ->assertSame($expected, $result
      ->assertSame([], $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::getVariantRouteName
   * @covers ::checkPageVariantAccess
  public function testFilterDeniedAccess() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request();
    $route = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'a_variant',
      ->add('a_route', $route);
    $page_variant = $this
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [];
      ->assertSame($expected, $result
      ->assertSame([], $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::getVariantRouteName
   * @covers ::checkPageVariantAccess
  public function testFilterAllowedAccess() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request();
    $route = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'a_variant',
      ->add('a_route', $route);
    $page_variant = $this
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [
      'a_route' => $route,
      ->assertSame($expected, $result
    $expected_attributes = [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'a_variant',
      '_route_object' => $route,
      '_route' => 'a_route',
      ->assertSame($expected_attributes, $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::getVariantRouteName
  public function testFilterAllowedAccessTwoRoutes() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request();
    $route1 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'variant_1',
      'page_manager_page_variant_weight' => 0,
    $route2 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'variant_2',
      'page_manager_page_variant_weight' => 2,

    // Add route2 first to ensure that the routes get sorted by weight.
      ->add('route_2', $route2);
      ->add('route_1', $route1);
    $page_variant = $this
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [
      'route_1' => $route1,
      ->assertSame($expected, $result
    $expected_attributes = [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'variant_1',
      'page_manager_page_variant_weight' => 0,
      '_route_object' => $route1,
      '_route' => 'route_1',
      ->assertSame($expected_attributes, $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::getVariantRouteName
  public function testFilterAllowedAccessSecondRoute() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request();
    $route1 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'variant_1',
      'page_manager_page_variant_weight' => 1,
    $defaults = [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'variant_2',
      'page_manager_page_variant_weight' => 2,
      'overridden_route_name' => 'overridden_route_name_for_selected_route',
    $route2 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', $defaults);

    // Add route2 first to ensure that the routes get sorted by weight.
      ->add('route_2', $route2);
      ->add('route_1', $route1);
    $page_variant1 = $this
    $page_variant2 = $this
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [
      'overridden_route_name_for_selected_route' => $route2,
      ->assertSame($expected, $result
    $expected_attributes = $defaults + [
      '_route_object' => $route2,
      '_route' => 'overridden_route_name_for_selected_route',
      ->assertSame($expected_attributes, $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::getVariantRouteName
   * @covers ::sortRoutes
   * Tests when the first page_manager route is allowed, but other
   * non-page_manager routes are also present.
  public function testFilterAllowedAccessFirstRoute() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request();

    // The selected route specifies a different base route.
    $defaults = [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'variant1',
      'page_manager_page_variant_weight' => -2,
      'overridden_route_name' => 'route_1',
    $route1 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}');
    $route2 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', $defaults);
    $route3 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'variant2',
      'page_manager_page_variant_weight' => -1,
    $route4 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}');

    // Add routes in different order to test sorting.
      ->add('route_3', $route3);
      ->add('route_2', $route2);
      ->add('route_1', $route1);
      ->add('route_4', $route4);
    $page_variant1 = $this
    $page_variant2 = $this
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [
      'route_1' => $route2,
      'route_4' => $route4,
      ->assertSame($expected, $result
    $expected_attributes = $defaults + [
      '_route_object' => $route2,
      '_route' => 'route_1',
      ->assertSame($expected_attributes, $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::getVariantRouteName
   * @covers ::getRequestAttributes
  public function testFilterRequestAttributes() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request([], [], [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'slug' => 2,
    $route = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'a_variant',
      ->add('a_route', $route);
    $page_variant = $this
    $route_enhancer = $this
    $result_enhance_attributes = $expected_enhance_attributes = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'slug' => '1',
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'a_variant',
      '_route_object' => $route,
      '_route' => 'a_route',
    $result_enhance_attributes['slug'] = 'slug 1';
      ->enhance($expected_enhance_attributes, $request)
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [
      'a_route' => $route,
      ->assertSame($expected, $result
    $expected_attributes = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'slug' => 'slug 1',
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'a_variant',
      '_route_object' => $route,
      '_route' => 'a_route',
      ->assertSame($expected_attributes, $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::getVariantRouteName
   * @covers ::getRequestAttributes
  public function testFilterRequestAttributesException() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $original_attributes = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'slug' => 2,
    $request = new Request([], [], $original_attributes);
    $route = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'a_variant',
      ->add('a_route', $route);
    $page_variant = $this
    $route_enhancer = $this
    $expected_enhance_attributes = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'slug' => '1',
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'a_variant',
      '_route_object' => $route,
      '_route' => 'a_route',
      ->enhance($expected_enhance_attributes, $request)
      ->willThrow(new \Exception('A route enhancer failed'));
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
      ->assertSame($original_attributes, $request->attributes

   * @covers ::filter
   * @covers ::sortRoutes
  public function testFilterPreservingBaseRouteName() {
    $route_collection = new RouteCollection();
    $request = new Request();

    // Add routes in different order to also test order preserving.
    $route1 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'variant1',
      'page_manager_page_variant_weight' => -10,
      'overridden_route_name' => 'preserved_route_name',
    $route2 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', [
      'page_manager_page_variant' => 'variant2',
      'page_manager_page_variant_weight' => -5,
    $route3 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', []);
    $route4 = new Route('/path/with/{slug}', []);
      ->add('route_4', $route4);
      ->add('route_3', $route3);
      ->add('route_1', $route1);
      ->add('route_2', $route2);
    $page_variant1 = $this
    $page_variant2 = $this
    $result = $this->routeFilter
      ->filter($route_collection, $request);
    $expected = [
      'preserved_route_name' => $route1,
      'route_4' => $route4,
      'route_3' => $route3,
      ->assertSame($expected, $result

   * @covers ::getRequestAttributes
  public function testGetRequestAttributes() {
    $request = new Request();
    $route = new Route('/path/with/{slug}');
    $route_name = 'a_route';
    $expected_attributes = [
      'slug' => 1,
      '_route_object' => $route,
      '_route' => $route_name,
    $route_enhancer = $this
      ->enhance($expected_attributes, $request)
      'slug' => 'slug 1',
      ->assertSame([], $request->attributes
    $method = new \ReflectionMethod($this->routeFilter, 'getRequestAttributes');
    $attributes = $method
      ->invoke($this->routeFilter, $route, $route_name, $request);
      'slug' => 'slug 1',
    ], $attributes);



Namesort descending Description
VariantRouteFilterTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\page_manager\Routing\VariantRouteFilter @group PageManager