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OutdatedbrowserSettingsForm.php in Outdated Browser 8

Administrative class form for the outdatedbrowser module.

Contains \Drupal\outdatedbrowser\Form\OutdatedbrowserSettingsForm.


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 * @file
 * Administrative class form for the outdatedbrowser module.
 * Contains \Drupal\outdatedbrowser\Form\OutdatedbrowserSettingsForm.
namespace Drupal\outdatedbrowser\Form;

use Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;

 * General configuration form for controlling the outdatedbrowser behaviour..
class OutdatedbrowserSettingsForm extends ConfigFormBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFormId() {
    return 'outdatedbrowser_admin_settings_form';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getEditableConfigNames() {
    return array(

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    // Load all settings.
    $config = $this
    $form['outdatedbrowser_compression_type'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Outdated Browser library compression type'),
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#options' => array(
        'minified' => t('Minified (production)'),
        'source' => t('Uncompressed (development version)'),
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#required' => TRUE,
    $form['outdatedbrowser_bgcolor'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Outdated Browser message: background color'),
      '#description' => t('The background color of the displayed browser upgrade advice. Must be a valid hexadecimal CSS color string, such as @hex.', array(
        '@hex' => '#f25648',
      '#type' => 'color',
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#required' => TRUE,
    $form['outdatedbrowser_color'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Outdated Browser message: font color'),
      '#description' => t('The font color of the displayed browser upgrade advice. Must be a valid hexadecimal CSS color string, such as @hex.', array(
        '@hex' => '#ffffff',
      '#type' => 'color',
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#required' => TRUE,
    $form['outdatedbrowser_lowerthan'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Outdated Browser message: targeting browser'),
      '#description' => t('The targeting browser of the displayed browser upgrade advice, either a CSS property or an Internet Explorer version.'),
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#required' => TRUE,
    $form['outdatedbrowser_lang_files_path'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Outdated Browser message files'),
      '#description' => t('Language files location - you can use the outdatedbrowser library path or your own path with additional language files added and HTML/css adapted.'),
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#default_value' => $config
        ->get('lang_files_path', 'libraries/outdated-browser/outdatedbrowser/lang'),
      '#required' => TRUE,
    return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    // Get config factory and load all settings.
    $config = $this->configFactory
    $compression_type_changed = $config
      ->get('compression_type') != $form_state
    if ($compression_type_changed) {

      // Invalidate the library_info cache.
      ->set('compression_type', $form_state
      ->set('bgcolor', $form_state
      ->set('color', $form_state
      ->set('lowerthan', $form_state
      ->set('lang_files_path', $form_state
    parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);



Namesort descending Description
OutdatedbrowserSettingsForm General configuration form for controlling the outdatedbrowser behaviour..