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7 calls to organigrams_machine_name_load() in Organigrams 7

organigrams_check_machine_name in ./organigrams.module
Add an index to a machine name if it already exists to make sure its unique.
organigrams_form_export in ./
Admin menu callback to export all items from an organigram.
organigrams_form_import_items in ./
Admin menu callback to import all items into an organigram.
organigrams_tokens in ./organigrams.module
Implements hook_tokens().
organigrams_user_access in ./organigrams.module
Get a value indicating whether the user perform the operation.
organigrams_view_page in ./organigrams.module
Menu callback to display an organigram.
RulesOrganigramsWrapper::setEntity in ./
Overridden to support identifying organigrams by machine names.