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public static function PathChecker::uniquePaths in Optimizely 8.3

Compare target path against the project paths to confirm they're unique.


array $target_paths: The paths entered for a new project entry, OR the paths of an existing project entry that has been enabled.

int|null $target_oid: The oid of the project entry that has been enabled, or NULL.

Return value

bool| $target_path: the path that is a duplicate that must be addressed to enable or create the new project entry, or TRUE if unique paths.

2 calls to PathChecker::uniquePaths()
AddUpdateForm::validateForm in src/Form/AddUpdateForm.php
Check to make sure the project code is unique except for the default entry which uses the account ID but should support an additional entry to allow for custom settings.
AjaxEnable::enableDisable in src/Controller/AjaxEnable.php
Enable or disable the project.


src/Util/PathChecker.php, line 106


Provides static methods to check path validity, etc.




public static function uniquePaths(array $target_paths, $target_oid = NULL) {

  // Look up alternative paths.
  $target_paths = self::collectAlias($target_paths);

  // Look for duplicate paths in submitted $target_paths.
  $duplicate_target_path = self::duplicateCheck($target_paths);

  // Look for duplicate paths within target paths.
  if (!$duplicate_target_path) {

    // Collect all of the existing project paths that are enabled.
    $query = \Drupal::database()
      ->select('optimizely', 'o', [
      'target' => 'slave',
      ->fields('o', [
      ->condition('o.enabled', 1, '=');

    // Add target_oid to query when it's an update, $target_oid is defined.
    if ($target_oid != NULL) {
      $query = $query
        ->condition('o.oid', $target_oid, '<>');
    $projects = $query

    // No other enabled projects.
    if ($query
      ->fetchField() == 0) {
      return [
    $all_project_paths = [];

    // Build array of all the project entry paths.
    foreach ($projects as $project) {

      // Collect all of the path values and merge into collective array.
      $project_paths = unserialize($project->path);
      $all_project_paths = array_merge($all_project_paths, $project_paths);

    // Add any additional aliases to catch all match possiblities.
    $all_project_paths = self::collectAlias($all_project_paths);

    // Convert array into string for drupal_match_path().
    $all_project_paths_string = implode("\n", $all_project_paths);

    // Check all of the paths for all of the active project entries
    // to make sure the paths are unique.
    foreach ($target_paths as $target_path) {

      // "*" found in path.
      if (strpos($target_path, '*') !== FALSE) {

        // Look for wild card match if not sitewide.
        if (strpos($target_path, '*') !== 0) {
          $target_path = substr($target_path, 0, -2);

          // Look for duplicate path due to wild card.
          foreach ($all_project_paths as $all_project_path) {
            if (strpos($all_project_path, $target_path) === 0 && $all_project_path != $target_path) {
              return [
        elseif (strpos($target_path, '*') === 0 && (count($target_paths) > 1 || count($all_project_paths) > 0)) {
          return [

        // Look for sitewide wild card in target project paths.
        if (in_array('*', $all_project_paths)) {
          return [
      elseif (strpos($target_path, '?') !== FALSE) {
        $target_path = substr($target_path, 0, strpos($target_path, '?'));

      // Look for duplicates.
      if (\Drupal::service('path.matcher')
        ->matchPath($target_path, $all_project_paths_string)) {
        return [
    return [
  else {
    return [