public static function LookupPath::lookupPathAlias in Optimizely 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.0 src/LookupPath.php \Drupal\optimizely\LookupPath::lookupPathAlias()
Helper function to lookup a path alias, given a path.
This function acts as an adapter and passes back a return value like those of drupal_lookup_path(), which has been removed as of Drupal 8.
3 calls to LookupPath::lookupPathAlias()
- PathChecker::collectAlias in src/
PathChecker.php - Lookup all alternatives to the group of paths - alias, <front>.
- PathChecker::validatePaths in src/
PathChecker.php - Validate the target paths.
- ProjectListForm::buildForm in src/
ProjectListForm.php - Form constructor.
- src/
LookupPath.php, line 17
- LookupPath
- Implements methods for looking up path aliases and system paths.
public static function lookupPathAlias($path) {
$path = LookupPath::checkPath($path);
$alias = \Drupal::service('path.alias_manager')
return strcmp($alias, $path) == 0 ? FALSE : $alias;