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public static function CacheRefresher::doRefresh in Optimizely 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 src/CacheRefresher.php \Drupal\optimizely\CacheRefresher::doRefresh()

Refresh the cache.


array $path_array: An array of the target paths entries that the cache needs to be cleared. Each entry can also contain wildcards or be variables such as "<front>".

array $original_path_array: If a set of paths is being changed, this will be the original set.

3 calls to CacheRefresher::doRefresh()
AddUpdateForm::submitForm in src/AddUpdateForm.php
Form submission handler.
AjaxEnable::enableDisable in src/AjaxEnable.php
Enable or disable the project.
DeleteForm::submitForm in src/DeleteForm.php
Form submission handler.


src/CacheRefresher.php, line 23


Refresh the cache as needed.




public static function doRefresh(array $path_array, array $original_path_array = NULL) {

  // If there are project edits that include changes to the path,
  // clear cache on all paths/tags to add or remove Optimizely
  // javascript call.
  // The project paths also serve as cache tags, so all we need to do
  // is invalidate all of the affected paths, treating them as cache tags.
  if (isset($original_path_array)) {
    $path_array = array_merge($path_array, $original_path_array);

  // Prefix each path with "optimizely:" to form its cache tag.
  // @See our implementation of hook_page_attachments()
  $cache_tags = [];
  foreach ($path_array as $path) {
    $cache_tags[] = 'optimizely:' . $path;
  drupal_set_message(t('"Render" cache has been cleared based on the project path settings.'), 'status');