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Admin page callback for the Optimizely module.

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 * @file
 * Admin page callback for the Optimizely module.

 * Builds and returns the Optimizely Add/Update form.
 * If there are only three arguments in the path it builds the add form and
 * adds a record. Otherwise it builds the update form where the fourth
 * argument is the record ID (oid) in the optimizely table.
 * @parm
 *   $form: Array of form elements
 * @parm
 *   &$form_submit: Array of the stae of the form elements
 * @parm
 *   $target_oid: When an update of a record, $target_oid will have a value
 * @return
 *   $form: An array of the form elements
function optimizely_add_update_form($form, &$form_submit, $target_oid = NULL) {
  $form = array();
  $form['#attached'] = array(
    'css' => array(
      'type' => 'file',
      'data' => drupal_get_path('module', 'optimizely') . '/css/optimizely.css',
  $account_id = variable_get('optimizely_id', 0);
  if ($target_oid == NULL) {
    $form_action = 'Add';
    $intro_message = '';

    // Enable form element defaults - blank, unselected
    $enabled = FALSE;
    $project_code = '';
    $account_code = variable_get('optimizely_id', 0);

    // Default roles 1 => anonymous, 1 => authenticated user
    $selected_roles = array(
    $form['optimizely_oid'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => NULL,
  else {
    $form_action = 'Update';
    $query = db_select('optimizely', 'o', array(
      'target' => 'slave',
      ->condition('o.oid', $target_oid, '=');
    $record = $query
    $form['optimizely_oid'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $target_oid,
    $form['optimizely_original_path'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => implode("\n", unserialize($record->path)),
    $enabled = $record->enabled;
    $record->project_code == 0 ? $project_code = 'Undefined' : ($project_code = $record->project_code);
    $account_code = variable_get('optimizely_id', 0);
    $selected_roles = unserialize($record->roles);

  // If we are updating the default record, make the form element inaccessible
  $form['optimizely_project_title'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#disabled' => $target_oid == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE,
    '#title' => t('Project Title'),
    '#default_value' => $target_oid ? check_plain($record->project_title) : '',
    '#description' => check_plain($target_oid) == 1 ? t('Default project, this field can not be changed.') : t('Descriptive name for the project entry.'),
    '#size' => 60,
    '#maxlength' => 256,
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#weight' => 10,
  $form['optimizely_project_code'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#disabled' => $target_oid == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE,
    '#title' => t('Optimizely Project Code'),
    '#default_value' => check_plain($project_code),
    '#description' => $account_code == 0 ? t('The Optimizely account value has not been set in the <a href="/admin/config/system/optimizely/settings">Account Info</a> settings form. The Optimizely account value is used as the project ID for this "default" project entry.') : t('The Optimizely javascript file name used in the snippet as provided by the Optimizely website for the project.'),
    '#size' => 30,
    '#maxlength' => 100,
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#weight' => 20,
  $form['optimizely_enabled'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Enable/Disable Project'),
    '#default_value' => $target_oid ? $record->enabled : 0,
    '#options' => array(
      1 => 'Enable project',
      0 => 'Disable project',
    '#weight' => 25,
    '#attributes' => $enabled ? array(
      'class' => array(
    ) : array(
      'class' => array(
  $form['optimizely_path'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('Set Path Where Optimizely Code Snippet Appears'),
    '#default_value' => $target_oid ? implode("\n", unserialize($record->path)) : '',
    '#description' => t('Enter the path where you want to insert the Optimizely Snippet.
      For Example: "/clubs/*" causes the snippet to appear on all pages below "/clubs" in the URL but not
      on the actual "/clubs" page itself.'),
    '#cols' => 100,
    '#rows' => 6,
    '#resizable' => FALSE,
    '#required' => FALSE,
    '#weight' => 40,
  $form['optimizely_roles'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#multiple' => TRUE,
    '#title' => t('Filter by Role'),
    '#description' => t('Select the role(s) that the project entry / Optimizely snippet is loaded for. Hold the Command / Alt key to make multiple selections.'),
    '#options' => user_roles(),
    '#default_value' => $selected_roles,
    '#size' => min(12, count(user_roles())),
    '#weight' => 50,
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => $form_action,
    '#weight' => 100,
  $form['cancel'] = array(
    '#markup' => l(t('Cancel'), 'admin/config/system/optimizely'),
    '#weight' => 101,
  return $form;

 * Pass through function to allow parameters to a form via a hook_menu call
 * @return
 *   Call to drupal_get_form for the optimizely_add_update_form form that
 *   includes the additional parameter $target_project
function optimizely_add_update_update($target_project) {
  return drupal_get_form('optimizely_add_update_form', $target_project);

 * Validate form submissions from optimizely_add_update_form().
 * Check to make sute the project code is unique except for the default
 * entry which uses the account ID but should support an additional entry
 * to allow for custom settings.
function optimizely_add_update_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {

  // Ensure at least one role is selected, don't allow empty selection
  if (count($form_state['values']['optimizely_roles']) == 0) {
    form_set_error('optimizely_roles', t('At least one user role must be selected. Hold the Command / Alt key to enable / disable  multiple selections.'));

  // Watch for "Undefined" value in Project Code, Account ID needed in Settings page
  if ($form_state['values']['optimizely_project_code'] == "Undefined") {
    form_set_error('optimizely_project_code', t('The Optimizely Account ID must be set in the <a href="/admin/config/system/optimizely/settings">Account Info</a> page. The account ID is used as the default Optimizely Project Code.'));
  elseif (!ctype_digit($form_state['values']['optimizely_project_code'])) {
    form_set_error('optimizely_project_code', t('The project code !code must only contain digits.', array(
      '!code' => $form_state['values']['optimizely_project_code'],
  elseif ($form_state['values']['op'] == 'Add') {

    // Confirm project_code is unique or the entered project code is also the account ID - SELECT the project title in prep for related form error message
    $query = db_query('SELECT project_title FROM {optimizely} WHERE
      project_code = :project_code ORDER BY oid DESC', array(
      ':project_code' => $form_state['values']['optimizely_project_code'],
    $query_count = $query

    // Flag submission if existing entry is found with the same project code value AND it's not an SINGLE entry to replace the "default" entry.
    if ($query_count > 0 || $form_state['values']['optimizely_project_code'] != variable_get('optimizely_id', FALSE) && $query_count >= 2) {

      // Get the title of the project that already had the propject code
      $found_entry_title = $query

      // Flag the project code form field
      form_set_error('optimizely_project_code', t('The project code (!project_code) already has an entry in the "!found_entry_title" project.', array(
        '!project_code' => $form_state['values']['optimizely_project_code'],
        '!found_entry_title' => $found_entry_title,

  // Skip if disabled entry
  if ($form_state['values']['optimizely_enabled']) {

    // Confirm that the project paths point to valid site URLs
    $target_paths = preg_split('/[\\r\\n]+/', $form_state['values']['optimizely_path'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    $valid_path = _optimizely_valid_paths($target_paths);
    if (!is_bool($valid_path)) {
      $valid_path = htmlentities($valid_path);
      form_set_error('optimizely_path', t('The project path "!project_path" is not a valid path. The path or alias could not be resolved as a valid URL that will result in content on the site.', array(
        '!project_path' => $valid_path,

    // There must be only one Optimizely javascript call on a page. Check paths to ensure there are no duplicates
    list($error_title, $error_path) = _optimizely_unique_paths($target_paths, $form_state['values']['optimizely_oid']);
    if (!is_bool($error_title)) {
      form_set_error('optimizely_path', t('The path "!error_path" will result in a duplicate entry based on the other project path settings. Optimizely does not allow more than one project to be run on a page.', array(
        '!error_path' => $error_path,

 * Process form submissions from optimizely_add_update_form().
 * Either "Add"s or "Update"s a record from the optimizely_add_update_form() form.
function optimizely_add_update_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  // Catch form submitted values and prep for processing
  $oid = $form_state['values']['optimizely_oid'];
  $project_title = check_plain($form_state['values']['optimizely_project_title']);
  $project_code = check_plain($form_state['values']['optimizely_project_code']);

  // @totdo - Add support for "<front>" to allow use of check_plain() on ['optimizely_path']
  $path_array = preg_split('/[\\r\\n]+/', $form_state['values']['optimizely_path'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
  $role_array = $form_state['values']['optimizely_roles'];
  $enabled = check_plain($form_state['values']['optimizely_enabled']);

  // Process add or edit submission
  // No ID value included in submission - add new entry
  if (!isset($oid)) {
      'project_title' => $project_title,
      'path' => serialize($path_array),
      'project_code' => $project_code,
      'enabled' => $enabled,
      'roles' => serialize($role_array),
    drupal_set_message(t('The project entry has been created.'), 'status');

    // Rebuild the provided paths to ensure Optimizely javascript is now included on paths
    if ($enabled) {
  else {
      'project_title' => $project_title,
      'path' => serialize($path_array),
      'project_code' => $project_code,
      'enabled' => $enabled,
      'roles' => serialize($role_array),
      ->condition('oid', $oid)
    drupal_set_message(t('The project entry has been updated.'), 'status');

    // Path originally set for project - to be compaired to the updated value to determine what cache paths needs to be refreshed
    $original_path_array = preg_split('/[\\r\\n]+/', $form_state['values']['optimizely_original_path'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    optimizely_refresh_cache($path_array, $original_path_array);

  // Return to project listing page

 * Menu callback. Enter the Optimizely account details.
function optimizely_account_settings_form($form_state) {
  $form = array();
  $form['#attached'] = array(
    'css' => array(
      'type' => 'file',
      'data' => drupal_get_path('module', 'optimizely') . '/css/optimizely.css',
  $form['optimizely_id'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Optimizely ID Number'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('optimizely_id', ''),
    '#description' => t('Your Optimizely account ID. This is the number after "/js/" in the Optimizely Tracking Code found in your account on the Optimizely website.'),
    '#size' => 60,
    '#maxlength' => 256,
    '#required' => TRUE,
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => 'Submit',
  return $form;

 * Validation for optimizely_account_settings_form form
function optimizely_account_settings_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  if (!preg_match('/^\\d+$/', $form_state['values']['optimizely_id'])) {
    form_set_error('optimizely_id', t('Your Optimizely ID should be numeric.'));

 * Process submisison from optimizely_setup_account_settings_form form. This includes saving the
 * entered Optimizely account ID to the varable database table, updating the default optimizely (oid)
 * record with the project ID which is also the account ID.
function optimizely_account_settings_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $oid = $form_state['values']['optimizely_id'];

  // Inform the administrator that the default project / experiement entry is ready to be enabled.
  drupal_set_message(t('The default project entry is now ready to be enabled. This will apply the default Optimizely project tests site wide.'), 'status');

  // Redirect back.
  $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/config/system/optimizely';

 * Menu callback. Displays a list of Optimizely projects as records in the Optimizely database table.
function optimizely_project_list_form() {
  $form = array();

  // Load css and js files specific to optimizely admin pages
  $form['#attached']['css'] = array(
    drupal_get_path('module', 'optimizely') . '/css/optimizely.css',
  $form['#attached']['js'] = array(
    drupal_get_path('module', 'optimizely') . '/js/optimizely-admin.js',
  $prefix = '<ul class="admin-links">';
  $prefix .= '  <li>' . l(t('Add Project Entry'), 'admin/config/system/optimizely/add_update') . '</li>';
  $prefix .= '</ul>';
  $form['projects'] = array(
    '#prefix' => $prefix . '<div id="optimizely-project-listing">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',
    '#tree' => TRUE,
    '#theme' => 'optimizely_projects_table',

  // Lookup account ID setting to trigger "nag message".
  $account_id = variable_get('optimizely_id', 0);

  // Begin building the query.
  $query = db_select('optimizely', 'o', array(
    'target' => 'slave',
  $result = $query

  // Build each row of the table
  foreach ($result as $project_count => $row) {

    // Listing of target paths for the project entry
    $paths = unserialize($row->path);
    $project_paths = '<ul>';
    foreach ($paths as $path) {

      // Deal with "<front>" as one of the paths
      if ($path == '<front>') {
        $front_path = variable_get('site_frontpage');
        $front_path .= ' <-> ' . drupal_lookup_path('alias', $front_path);
        $path = htmlspecialchars('<front>') . ' (' . $front_path . ')';
      $project_paths .= '<li>' . $path . '</li>';
    $project_paths .= '</ul>';

    // Build Edit / Delete links
    if ($row->oid != 1) {
      $edit_link = l(t('Update'), 'admin/config/system/optimizely/add_update/' . $row->oid);
      $delete_link = ' / ' . l(t('Delete'), 'admin/config/system/optimizely/delete/' . $row->oid);
      $default_entry_class = array(
    else {
      $edit_link = l(t('Update'), 'admin/config/system/optimizely/add_update/' . $row->oid);
      $delete_link = ' / ' . 'Default Entry';
      $default_entry_class = array(

    // Build form elements in cluding enable checkbox and data columns
    $form['projects'][$project_count]['enable'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#attributes' => array(
        'id' => 'project-enable-' . $row->oid,
        'name' => 'project-' . $row->oid,
      '#default_value' => $row->enabled,
      '#extra_data' => array(
        'field_name' => 'project_enabled',
      '#suffix' => '<div class="status-container status-' . $row->oid . '"></div>',
    if ($row->enabled) {
      $form['projects'][$project_count]['enable']['#attributes']['checked'] = 'checked';
    $form['projects'][$project_count]['#project_title'] = $row->project_title;
    $form['projects'][$project_count]['#admin_links'] = $edit_link . $delete_link;
    $form['projects'][$project_count]['#paths'] = $project_paths;
    if ($account_id == 0 && $row->oid == 1) {
      $project_code = t('Set Optimizely ID in <strong>') . l(t('Account Info'), 'admin/config/system/optimizely/settings') . t('</strong> page to enable default project site wide.');
    else {
      $project_code = $row->project_code;
    $form['projects'][$project_count]['#project_code'] = $project_code;
    $form['projects'][$project_count]['#oid'] = $row->oid;
  return $form;

 * Theme function to define the output of the project listing in a table format within a form.
 * The form is need to support the enable column which is a checkbox form element. 
function theme_optimizely_projects_table($vars) {
  $element = $vars['element'];
  $rows = array();
  foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
    $rows[] = array(
      'class' => array(
        'project-row-' . $element[$key]['#project_code'],
      'id' => array(
        'project-' . $element[$key]['#oid'],
      'data' => array(
          'class' => $element[$key]['enable']['#value'] ? 'enable-column enabled' : 'enable-column disabled',
          'data' => render($element[$key]['enable']),
          'class' => $element[$key]['enable']['#value'] ? 'project-title-column enabled' : 'project-title-column disabled',
          'data' => render($element[$key]['#project_title']),
          'class' => $element[$key]['enable']['#value'] ? 'admin-links-column enabled' : 'admin-links-column disabled',
          'data' => render($element[$key]['#admin_links']),
          'class' => $element[$key]['enable']['#value'] ? 'paths-column enabled' : 'paths-column disabled',
          'data' => render($element[$key]['#paths']),
          'class' => $element[$key]['enable']['#value'] ? 'project-code-column enabled' : 'project-code-column disabled',
          'data' => render($element[$key]['#project_code']),
  $header = array(
    t('Project Title'),
    t('Update / Delete'),
    t('Project Code'),
  return theme('table', array(
    'header' => $header,
    'rows' => $rows,

 * Menu callback. Get confirmation to delete a record from the Optimizely table.
function optimizely_delete_page($form, &$form_state, $vars = NULL) {

  // Prevent deletetion of default project
  if ($form_state['build_info']['args'][0] != 1) {
    return drupal_build_form('optimizely_delete_page_confirm', $form_state);
  else {
    drupal_set_message('Default project can not be deleted.', 'error');

 * Build a confirm form for deletion of record in Optimizely table.
function optimizely_delete_page_confirm($form, &$form_state, $vars = NULL) {
  $form['oid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $vars,
  $heading = t('Delete');
  $cancel_path = array(
    'path' => 'admin/config/system/optimizely',
  $caption = '<p>' . t('Are you sure you want to delete this configuration?') . '<p>' . '<p>' . t('This action cannot be undone.') . '</p>';
  $yes = t('Delete');
  $no = t('Cancel');
  return confirm_form($form, $heading, $cancel_path, $caption, $yes, $no);

 * Submit function for the confirm deletion form. Delete the entry in the
 * database and return the user to the Project listing page.
function optimizely_delete_page_confirm_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  // target $oid
  $oid = $form_state['values']['oid'];

  // Lookup entry details before delete
  $query = db_select('optimizely', 'o', array(
    'target' => 'slave',
    ->fields('o', array(
    ->condition('o.oid', $oid, '=');
  $record = $query

  // Delete entry in database based on the target $oid
  $query = db_delete('optimizely')
    ->condition('oid', $oid);

  // Only clear page cache for entries that are active when deleted
  if ($record->enabled) {

    // Always serialized when saved
    $path_array = unserialize($record->path);

  // Inform the user of the entry being deleted and return them to the
  // listing page.
  drupal_set_message(t('The project entry has been deleted.'), 'status');

 * AJAX callback for click event on project enable checkbox.
 * @return
 *   json response details for AJAX call. 
function optimizely_ajax_enable() {

  // Default
  $unique_path = FALSE;
  $default_project = FALSE;
  $message = '';

  // Retrieve the json POST values
  $target_oid = $_POST['target_oid'];
  $target_enable = $_POST['target_enable'];

  // Only check path values if project is being enabled,
  // Project is currently disabled (FALSE) and is now being enabled (TRUE)
  if ($target_enable == TRUE) {

    // Lookup the current project settings
    $query = db_select('optimizely', 'o', array(
      'target' => 'slave',
      ->fields('o', array(
      ->condition('o.oid', $target_oid, '=');
    $result = $query

    // Prevent the Default project from being enabled when the project code is not set
    if (!($target_oid == 1 && $result->project_code == 0)) {

      // Check that the paths are valid for the newly enabled project
      $target_paths = unserialize($result->path);
      $valid_paths = _optimizely_valid_paths($target_paths);

      // Check to see if the enable project has path entries that will result in
      // duplicates with other enable projects
      if ($valid_paths === TRUE) {
        list($unique_path, $target_path) = _optimizely_unique_paths($target_paths, $target_oid);
        if ($unique_path !== TRUE) {
          $message = t('Project was not enabled due to path setting resulting in duplicate path entries between enabled projects.');
      else {
        $message = t('Project was not enabled due to path setting: ' . $valid_paths . ' resulting in an invalid path.');
    else {
      $default_project = TRUE;
      $message = t('Default project not enabled. Enter Optimizely ID in Account Info page.');

  // The newly enabled project has unique paths OR the target project is
  // currently enabled (TRUE) and will now be disbaled
  if (($target_enable == FALSE || $unique_path === TRUE) && $default_project == FALSE) {

    // Toggle $target_enable
    $target_enable ? $target_enable = 1 : ($target_enable = 0);

    // Update database with new enable setting for project entry
    $results = db_update('optimizely')
      'enabled' => (int) $target_enable,
      ->condition('oid', $target_oid)

    // Refresh cache on project paths, this includes both enable and disabled
    // projects as there will be a need to clear the js calls in both cases
    $query = db_select('optimizely', 'o', array(
      'target' => 'slave',
      ->fields('o', array(
      ->condition('o.oid', $target_oid, '=');
    $result = $query
    $target_paths = unserialize($result->path);

    // Tell AJAX request of status to trigger jquery
      'status' => 'updated',
      'oid' => $target_oid,
      'target_enable' => $target_enable,
      'message' => $message,
  else {
      'status' => 'rejected',
      'oid' => $target_oid,
      'issue_path' => $target_path,
      'message' => $message,

 * optimizely_refresh_cache()
 * @parm
 *   $path_array - An array of the target paths entries that the cache needs to
 *   be cleared. Each entry can also contain wildcards /* or variables "<front>".
function optimizely_refresh_cache($path_array, $original_path_array = NULL) {

  // Determine protocol
  $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https' : 'http';
  $cid_base = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/';

  // If update of project that includes changes to the path, clear cache on all
  // paths to add/remove Optimizely javascript call
  if (isset($original_path_array)) {
    $path_array = array_merge($path_array, $original_path_array);

  // Loop through every path value
  foreach ($path_array as $path_count => $path) {
    $recursive = NULL;

    // Apply to all paths when there's a '*' path entry (default project entry
    // for example) or it's an exclude path entry (don't even try to figure out
    // the paths, just flush all page cache
    if (strpos($path, '*') !== 0) {
      if (strpos($path, '<front>') === 0) {
        $cid = $cid_base . '/' . variable_get('site_frontpage', 'node');
        $recursive = FALSE;
      elseif (strpos($path, '/*') > 0) {
        $cid = $cid_base . substr($path, 0, strlen($path) - 2);
        $recursive = TRUE;
      else {
        $cid = $cid_base . $path;
        $recursive = FALSE;
      cache_clear_all($cid, 'cache_page', $recursive);
    else {
      cache_clear_all('*', 'cache_page', TRUE);

  // Varnish
  if (module_exists('varnish')) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Successfully purged cached page from Varnish.'));
  drupal_set_message(t('Page cache has been cleared based on the project path settings.'), 'status');

 * Compare target path against the project paths to conform they're unique
 * @parm
 *   $target_paths - the paths entered for a new project entry OR
 *   the paths of an exsisting project entry that has been enabled.
 * @parm
 *   $target_paths = NULL : the oid of the project entry that has been enabled
 * @return
 *   $target_path: the path that is a duplicate that must be addressed to
 *   enable or create the new project entry or TRUE if unique paths. 
function _optimizely_unique_paths($target_paths, $target_oid = NULL) {

  // Look up alternative paths
  $target_paths = _optimizely_collect_alias($target_paths);

  // Look for duplicate paths in submitted $target_paths
  $duplicate_target_path = _optimizely_duplicate_check($target_paths);

  // Look for duplicate paths within target paths
  if (!$duplicate_target_path) {

    // Collect all of the exsisting project paths that are enabled,
    $query = db_select('optimizely', 'o', array(
      'target' => 'slave',
      ->fields('o', array(
      ->condition('o.enabled', 1, '=');

    // Add target_oid to query when it's an update, $target_oid is will be defined
    if ($target_oid != NULL) {
      $query = $query
        ->condition('o.oid', $target_oid, '<>');
    $projects = $query

    // No other enabled projects
    if ($query
      ->fetchField() == 0) {
      return array(
    $all_project_paths = array();

    // Build array of all the project entry paths
    foreach ($projects as $project) {

      // Collect all of the path values and merge into collective array
      $project_paths = unserialize($project->path);
      $all_project_paths = array_merge($all_project_paths, $project_paths);

    // Add any additional aliases to catch all match possiblities
    $all_project_paths = _optimizely_collect_alias($all_project_paths);

    // Convert array into string for drupal_match_path()
    $all_project_paths_string = implode("\n", $all_project_paths);

    // Check all of the paths for all of the active project entries to make sure
    // the paths are unique
    foreach ($target_paths as $target_path) {

      // "*" found in path
      if (strpos($target_path, '*') !== FALSE) {

        // Look for wild card match if not site wide
        if (strpos($target_path, '*') !== 0) {
          $target_path = substr($target_path, 0, -2);

          // Look for duplicate path due to wild card
          foreach ($all_project_paths as $all_project_path) {
            if (strpos($all_project_path, $target_path) === 0 && $all_project_path != $target_path) {
              return array(
        elseif (strpos($target_path, '*') === 0 && (count($target_paths) > 1 || count($all_project_paths) > 0)) {
          return array(

        // Look for site wide wild card in target project paths
        if (in_array('*', $all_project_paths)) {
          return array(
      elseif (strpos($target_path, '?') !== FALSE) {
        $target_path = substr($target_path, 0, strpos($target_path, '?'));

      // Look for duplicates
      if (drupal_match_path($target_path, $all_project_paths_string)) {
        return array(
    return array(
  else {
    return array(

 * Compare paths within passed array to ensure each item resolves to a unique entry
 * @parm
 *   $paths - a set of paths to be reviewed for uniqueness
 * @return
 *   FALSE if no duplicates found otherwaise the dusplicate path is returned. 
function _optimizely_duplicate_check($paths) {
  $unreviewed_paths = $paths;

  // Check all of the paths
  foreach ($paths as $path) {

    // Remove path that's being processed from  the front of the list

    // "*" found in path
    if (strpos($path, '*') !== FALSE) {

      // Look for wild card match that's not site wide (posiiton not zero (0))
      if (strpos($path, '*') !== 0) {
        $path = substr($path, 0, -2);
        foreach ($unreviewed_paths as $unreviewed_path) {
          if (strpos($unreviewed_path, $path) !== FALSE) {
            return $path . '/*';
      elseif (strpos($path, '*') === 0 && count($paths) > 1) {
        return $path;
    elseif (in_array($path, $unreviewed_paths)) {
      return $path;
  return FALSE;

 * Lookup all alternatives to the group of paths - alias, <front>
 * @parm
 *   $paths - a set of paths to be reviewed for alternatives
 * @return
 *   $paths - an updated list of paths that include the additional source and alias values. 
function _optimizely_collect_alias($paths) {

  // Add alternative values - alias, source, <front> to ensure matches also check different possiblities
  foreach ($paths as $path_count => $path) {

    // Remove parameters
    if (strpos($path, '?') !== FALSE) {
      $path = substr($path, 0, strpos($path, '?'));
      $paths[$path_count] = $path;
    !drupal_lookup_path('alias', $path) ?: ($paths[] = drupal_lookup_path('alias', $path));
    !drupal_lookup_path('source', $path) ?: ($paths[] = drupal_lookup_path('source', $path));

    // Collect all the possible values to match <front>
    if ($path == '<front>') {
      $frontpage = variable_get('site_frontpage', FALSE);
      if ($frontpage) {
        $paths[] = variable_get('site_frontpage');
        $paths[] = drupal_lookup_path('alias', $frontpage);
  return $paths;

 * _optimizely_valid_paths()
 * Validate the target paths with drupal_lookup_path.
 * @parm $target_paths
 *   An array of the paths to validate.
 * @parm $include
 *   Boolean, TRUE if the paths are included or FALSE for exclude paths
 * @return
 *   Boolean of TRUE if the paths are valid or a string of the path that failed.
function _optimizely_valid_paths($project_paths) {

  // Validate entered paths to confirm the paths exist on the website
  foreach ($project_paths as $project_path) {

    // Check for site wide wildcard
    if (strpos($project_path, '*') === 0) {
      if (count($project_paths) == 1) {
        return TRUE;
      else {
        return $project_path;
    elseif (strpos($project_path, '*') !== FALSE) {
      $project_wildpath = substr($project_path, 0, -2);
      if (!drupal_valid_path($project_wildpath, TRUE)) {

        // Look for entries in url_aias
        $query = db_query("SELECT * FROM {url_alias} WHERE\n          source LIKE :project_wildpath OR alias LIKE :project_wildpath", array(
          ':project_wildpath' => $project_wildpath . '%',
        $project_wildpath_match = $query

        // No matches found for wildcard path
        if (!$project_wildpath_match) {
          return $project_path;
    elseif (strpos($project_path, '?') !== FALSE) {

      // Look for entries in menu_router
      $project_parmpath = substr($project_path, 0, strpos($project_path, '?'));

      // Look for entry in url_alias table
      if (drupal_lookup_path('alias', $project_parmpath) === FALSE && drupal_lookup_path('source', $project_parmpath) === FALSE && drupal_valid_path($project_parmpath, TRUE) === FALSE) {
        return $project_path;
    elseif (drupal_valid_path($project_path, TRUE) === FALSE) {

      // Look for entry in url_alias table
      if (drupal_lookup_path('alias', $project_path) === FALSE && drupal_lookup_path('source', $project_path) === FALSE) {
        return $project_path;
  return TRUE;

 * Set the Optimizely oid (account ID and default project ID).
 * @parm $oid
 *   An oid provided by Optimizely.
function _optimizely_update_oid($oid) {

  // Create entry in "variable" table.
  variable_set('optimizely_id', $oid);

  // Update the default project / experiment entry with the account ID value.
  $result = db_update('optimizely')
    'project_code' => $oid,
    ->condition('oid', '1')


Namesort descending Description
optimizely_account_settings_form Menu callback. Enter the Optimizely account details.
optimizely_account_settings_form_submit Process submisison from optimizely_setup_account_settings_form form. This includes saving the entered Optimizely account ID to the varable database table, updating the default optimizely (oid) record with the project ID which is also the account ID.
optimizely_account_settings_form_validate Validation for optimizely_account_settings_form form
optimizely_add_update_form Builds and returns the Optimizely Add/Update form.
optimizely_add_update_form_submit Process form submissions from optimizely_add_update_form().
optimizely_add_update_form_validate Validate form submissions from optimizely_add_update_form().
optimizely_ajax_enable AJAX callback for click event on project enable checkbox.
optimizely_delete_page Menu callback. Get confirmation to delete a record from the Optimizely table.
optimizely_delete_page_confirm Build a confirm form for deletion of record in Optimizely table.
optimizely_delete_page_confirm_submit Submit function for the confirm deletion form. Delete the entry in the database and return the user to the Project listing page.
optimizely_project_list_form Menu callback. Displays a list of Optimizely projects as records in the Optimizely database table.
optimizely_refresh_cache optimizely_refresh_cache()
_optimizely_update_oid Set the Optimizely oid (account ID and default project ID).
_optimizely_valid_paths _optimizely_valid_paths()