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public static function OpignoTincanQuestionTypeQuestion::getExtractPath in Opigno TinCan Question Type 7

This method gives the path to the extracted package.


object $file: The extracted file.

Return value

string The path to the extracted package.

3 calls to OpignoTincanQuestionTypeQuestion::getExtractPath()
OpignoTincanQuestionTypeQuestion::getInfoFromExtractedPackage in includes/
This method will return the Activity ID and the launch file.
OpignoTincanQuestionTypeQuestion::unzipPackage in includes/
This method will unzip the package to the public extracted folder.
opigno_tincan_question_type_file_delete in ./opigno_tincan_question_type.module
Implements hook_file_delete().


includes/, line 396
This file contains the class OpignoTincanQuestionTypeQuestion.


This class goal is to provide specific TinCan question information.


public static function getExtractPath($file) {
  $filename = self::getPackageName($file);
  return self::PATH_PUBLIC_EXTRACTED_PACKAGE_FOLDER . $filename . '/';