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OpignoTinCanApiStatements.php in Opigno TinCan API 8

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  1. 3.x src/OpignoTinCanApiStatements.php


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namespace Drupal\opigno_tincan_api;

use DateInterval;
use DateTime;
use Drupal\Core\Language\Language;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Exception;
use TinCan\Activity;
use TinCan\Agent;
use TinCan\Context;
use TinCan\RemoteLRS;
use TinCan\Result;
use TinCan\Statement;
use TinCan\Verb;

 * Class OpignoTinCanApiStatements.
class OpignoTinCanApiStatements {

   * Set activity.
   * @param \TinCan\Statement $statement
   *   The statement to add the object.
   * @param string $activity_definition_type
   *   An array containing the activity name and type (url).
   *   Use TinCanActivityDefinitions.
   * @param object $activity_object
   *   An object: Group or Module or Activity.
   * @return bool|\TinCan\Statement
   *   Statement.
   * @throws \Exception
  public static function setObjectActivity(Statement &$statement, $activity_definition_type, $activity_object) {

    // opigno_tincan_api_set_object_activity.
    if (empty($activity_definition_type)) {
      throw new Exception('The definition type given is empty.');
    if (empty($activity_object)) {
        ->notice('The entity given is not loaded or is not a entity: <pre>' . print_r($activity_object, TRUE) . '</pre>', []);
      return FALSE;
    $entity_type_id = $activity_object
    switch ($entity_type_id) {
      case 'group':
        $url = Url::fromRoute('', [
          'group' => $activity_object
        ], [
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $title = $activity_object
      case 'opigno_module':
        $url = Url::fromRoute('entity.opigno_module.canonical', [
          'opigno_module' => $activity_object
        ], [
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $title = $activity_object
      case 'opigno_activity':
        $url = Url::fromRoute('entity.opigno_activity.canonical', [
          'opigno_activity' => $activity_object
        ], [
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $title = $activity_object
      case 'opigno_moxtra_meeting':
        $url = Url::fromRoute('entity.opigno_moxtra_meeting.canonical', [
          'opigno_moxtra_meeting' => $activity_object
        ], [
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $title = $activity_object
      case 'opigno_ilt':
        $url = Url::fromRoute('entity.opigno_ilt.canonical', [
          'opigno_ilt' => $activity_object
        ], [
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $title = $activity_object
      case 'opigno_certificate':
        $url = Url::fromRoute('entity.opigno_certificate.canonical', [
          'opigno_certificate' => $activity_object
        ], [
          'absolute' => TRUE,
        $title = $activity_object
    $object = new Activity([
      'id' => $url,
      'definition' => [
        'name' => [
          'en-US' => $title,
        'type' => $activity_definition_type,
    return $statement;

   * Sets context language.
   * @param \TinCan\Context $context
   *   The context to edit for the statement.
   * @param string $language
   *   The language to add.
   * @return \TinCan\Context
   *   Context.
  public static function contextSetLanguage(Context &$context, $language) {

    // _opigno_tincan_api_context_set_language.
    if (!empty($language) && $language != Language::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
    return $context;

   * Sets context parents.
   * @param \TinCan\Context $context
   *   The context to add the parents.
   * @param array $group_ids
   *   The nodes IDs to add as parents.
   * @param null|string $definition_type
   *   Definition type.
   * @return \TinCan\Context
   *   Context.
  public static function contextSetParents(Context &$context, array $group_ids, $definition_type = NULL) {
    $parents = [];
    foreach ($group_ids as $group_id) {
      $parent = [];
      $options = [
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      $url = Url::fromRoute('', [
        'group' => $group_id,
      ], $options)
      $parent['id'] = $url;
      if (!empty($definition_type)) {
        $parent['definition'] = [
          'type' => $definition_type,
      $parents[] = $parent;
    if (!empty($parents)) {
    return $context;

   * Sets context grouping.
  public static function contextSetGrouping(Context &$context, $group_ids, $definition_type = NULL) {

    // _opigno_tincan_api_context_set_grouping.
    $grouping = [];
    foreach ($group_ids as $group_id) {
      $statement_group = [];
      $url = Url::fromRoute('', [
        'group' => $group_id,
      ], [
        'absolute' => TRUE,
      $statement_group['id'] = $url;
      if (!empty($definition_type)) {
        $statement_group['definition'] = [
          'type' => $definition_type,
      $grouping[] = $statement_group;
    if (!empty($statement_group)) {
    return $context;

   * Sets result.
  public static function setResult(Statement &$statement, $user_score = NULL, $score_max = NULL, $score_min = NULL, $is_success = NULL, $response = NULL, $duration_s = NULL) {

    // _opigno_tincan_api_set_result.
    $result = new Result();
    if ($user_score !== NULL) {
      self::setScore($result, $user_score, $score_max, $score_min);
    if ($is_success !== NULL) {
    if ($response !== NULL) {
    if ($duration_s !== NULL) {
      $time_now = new DateTime();
      $time_more = new DateTime();
        ->add(new DateInterval('PT' . (int) $duration_s . 'S'));
      $time = $time_now

      // Remove all the 0 in the formatted duration.
      $duration_string = $time
      $duration_string = preg_replace('/(\\D)0{1}\\D/i', '$1', $duration_string);
      if (strpos($duration_string, 'P0M') !== FALSE) {

        // Need twice same replacement for deleting 0M before T.
        $duration_string = preg_replace('/(\\D)0{1}\\D/i', '$1', $duration_string);
      $duration_string == 'PT' ? $duration_string = 'PT0S' : NULL;
    return $statement;

   * Creates and sends statement to drupal queue.
   * @param \TinCan\Statement $statement
   *   The statement to send.
   * @return bool
   *   Response success flag.
  public static function sendStatement(Statement $statement) {
    $queue_factory = \Drupal::service('queue');
    $queue = $queue_factory
    $item = new \stdClass();
    $item->statement = $statement;

   * Adds the current user as the actor.
   * The verb selected in parameter, the object based on the
   * node given in parameter and the timestamp based on the current time.
   * @param array $verb
   *   Verb.
   * @param string $activity_definition_type
   *   The activity definition name and ID. Use TinCanActivityDefinitionTypes.
   * @param object $activity_object
   *   Activity.
   * @param null|mixed $user
   *   User.
   * @return \TinCan\Statement
   *   Statement.
   * @throws \Exception
  public static function statementBaseCreation(array $verb, $activity_definition_type, $activity_object, $user = NULL) {

    // _opigno_tincan_api_statement_base_creation.
    $statement = new Statement();
    self::setActor($statement, $user);
    self::setVerb($statement, $verb);
    self::setObjectActivity($statement, $activity_definition_type, $activity_object);
    return $statement;

   * Add the current user as the actor of this statement.
   * @param \TinCan\Statement $statement
   *   The statement to add the actor.
   * @param null|mixed $user
   *   User.
   * @throws \Exception
  public static function setActor(Statement &$statement, $user = NULL) {

    // _opigno_tincan_api_set_actor.
    if ($user === NULL) {
      $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
    else {
      if (empty($user) || empty($user
        ->getAccountName()) || empty($user
        ->getEmail())) {
        throw new Exception('The user given was not loaded');
    $actor = new Agent([
      'name' => $user
      'mbox_sha1sum' => sha1('mailto:' . $user

   * Sets statement verb.
   * @param \TinCan\Statement $statement
   *   The statement to add the verb.
   * @param array $verb
   *   An array containing the verb name and id (url). Use TinCanVerbs.
   * @throws Exception
   *   Throw an Exception if $verb is not conform.
  public static function setVerb(Statement &$statement, array $verb) {

    // opigno_tincan_api_set_verb.
    if (empty($verb) || empty($verb['name']) || empty($verb['id'])) {
      throw new Exception('The verb given does not exist');
    $verb = new Verb([
      'id' => $verb['id'],
      'display' => [
        'en-US' => $verb['name'],

   * Sets score.
  public static function setScore(Result &$result, $raw_score, $max_score = NULL, $min_score = NULL) {

    // _opigno_tincan_api_set_score.
    $score = [];
    if ($min_score === NULL) {
      $min_score = 0;
    if ($max_score === NULL || $max_score === 0 && $min_score === 0) {
      $score['raw'] = $raw_score;
      return FALSE;
    if ($max_score <= $min_score) {

      // Max must be greater than min.
      $max_score = $min_score + 1;
    $scaled_max = $max_score - $min_score;
    $scaled_raw = $raw_score - $min_score;
    $scaled = $scaled_max > 0 ? round($scaled_raw / $scaled_max, 2) : 0;
      'min' => $min_score,
      'max' => $max_score,
      'raw' => $raw_score,
      'scaled' => $scaled < -1 ? -1 : ($scaled > 1 ? 1 : $scaled),
    return TRUE;



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OpignoTinCanApiStatements Class OpignoTinCanApiStatements.