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DashboardForm.php in Opigno statistics 8

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  1. 3.x src/Form/DashboardForm.php


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namespace Drupal\opigno_statistics\Form;

use Drupal\Component\Datetime\TimeInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;
use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatterInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Markup;
use Drupal\opigno_learning_path\LearningPathAccess;
use Drupal\opigno_statistics\StatisticsPageTrait;
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult;
use Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResultAllowed;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

 * Implements the statistics dashboard.
class DashboardForm extends FormBase {
  use StatisticsPageTrait;

   * Database connection.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
  protected $database;

   * Time.
   * @var \Drupal\Component\Datetime\Time
  protected $time;

   * Date formatter.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatter
  protected $date_formatter;

   * DashboardForm constructor.
  public function __construct(Connection $database, TimeInterface $time, DateFormatterInterface $date_formatter) {
    $this->database = $database;
    $this->time = $time;
    $this->date_formatter = $date_formatter;

   * Create.
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static($container
      ->get('database'), $container
      ->get('datetime.time'), $container

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFormId() {
    return 'opigno_statistics_dashboard_form';

   * Builds active users per day graph.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime $datetime
   *   Date.
   * @param mixed $lp_ids
   *   LP ID.
   * @return array
   *   Render array.
   * @throws \Exception
  protected function buildUsersPerDay(DrupalDateTime $datetime, $lp_ids = NULL) {
    $max_time = $datetime

    // Last month.
    $min_datetime = $datetime
      ->sub(new \DateInterval('P1M'));
    $min_time = $min_datetime
    $query = $this->database
      ->select('opigno_statistics_user_login', 'u');
      ->addExpression('DAY(', 'hour');
      ->addExpression('COUNT(DISTINCT u.uid)', 'count');
    if (is_array($lp_ids)) {
        ->leftJoin('group_content_field_data', 'g_c_f_d', 'u.uid = g_c_f_d.entity_id');
        ->condition('g_c_f_d.gid', $lp_ids, 'IN');
        ->condition('g_c_f_d.type', 'learning_path-group_membership');
      ->condition('u.uid', 0, '<>');
    $data = $query
      ->condition('', [
    ], 'BETWEEN')
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; ++$i) {
      if (isset($data[$i])) {
        $data[$i] = $data[$i]->count;
      else {
        $data[$i] = 0;
    return [
      '#theme' => 'opigno_statistics_chart__user_per_day',
      '#max_count' => max(max($data), 5),
      '#data' => $data,

   * Builds trainings progress.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime $datetime
   *   Date.
   * @param mixed $lp_ids
   *   LP ID.
   * @return array
   *   Render array.
   * @throws \Exception
  protected function buildTrainingsProgress(DrupalDateTime $datetime, $lp_ids = NULL) {
    $progress = 0;
    $completion = 0;
    $time_str = $datetime
    $query = $this->database
      ->select('opigno_learning_path_achievements', 'a');
      ->addExpression('SUM(a.progress) / COUNT(a.progress) / 100', 'progress');
      ->addExpression('COUNT(a.completed) / COUNT(a.registered)', 'completion');
      ->fields('a', [
      ->condition('a.registered', $time_str, '<');
    if (is_array($lp_ids)) {
        ->condition('a.gid', $lp_ids, 'IN');
        ->leftJoin('group_content_field_data', 'g_c_f_d', 'a.uid = g_c_f_d.entity_id AND g_c_f_d.gid = a.gid');
        ->condition('g_c_f_d.type', 'learning_path-group_membership');
      ->condition('a.uid', 0, '<>');
    $or_group = $query
      ->condition('a.completed', $time_str, '<');
    $data = $query
    $count = count($data);
    if ($count > 0) {
      foreach ($data as $row) {
        $progress += $row->progress;
        $completion += $row->completion;
      $progress /= $count;
      $completion /= $count;
    return [
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#attributes' => [
        'class' => [
      'progress' => $this
        ->t('Training Progress'), $progress, NULL, t('Training progress is calculated as the sum of training progress for all published trainings divided by the total number of published trainings.
		The training progress for a training is the sum of progress for all the users registered to the training divided by the number of users registered to the training.')),
      'completion' => $this
        ->t('Training Completion'), $completion, NULL, t('Training completion is calculated as the sum of training completion rate for all published trainings divided by the total number of published trainings.
		The training completion for a training is the total number of users being successful at the training divided by the number of users registered to the training.')),
      'users' => $this
        ->buildUsersPerDay($datetime, $lp_ids),

   * Builds one block for the user metrics.
   * @param string $label
   *   Label.
   * @param string $value
   *   Value.
   * @param string $help_text
   *   Help text.
   * @return array
   *   Render array.
  protected function buildUserMetric($label, $value, $help_text = NULL) {
    return [
      '#theme' => 'opigno_statistics_user_metric',
      '#label' => $label,
      '#value' => $value,
      '#help_text' => $help_text,

   * Builds user metrics.
   * @return array
   *   Render array.
  protected function buildUserMetrics($lp_ids = NULL) {
    $connection = Database::getConnection();
    $query = $connection
      ->select('users', 'u');
    if (is_array($lp_ids)) {
        ->leftJoin('group_content_field_data', 'g_c_f_d', 'u.uid = g_c_f_d.entity_id');
        ->condition('g_c_f_d.type', 'learning_path-group_membership');
        ->condition('g_c_f_d.gid', $lp_ids, 'IN');
      ->condition('u.uid', 0, '<>');
    $users = $query
    $now = $this->time

    // Last 7 days.
    $period = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
    $query = $connection
      ->select('users_field_data', 'u');
    if (is_array($lp_ids)) {
        ->leftJoin('group_content_field_data', 'g_c_f_d', 'u.uid = g_c_f_d.entity_id');
        ->condition('g_c_f_d.type', 'learning_path-group_membership');
        ->condition('g_c_f_d.gid', $lp_ids, 'IN');
      ->condition('u.uid', 0, '<>');
      ->condition('u.created', $now - $period, '>');
    $new_users = $query
    $query = $connection
      ->select('users_field_data', 'u');
    if (is_array($lp_ids)) {
        ->leftJoin('group_content_field_data', 'g_c_f_d', 'u.uid = g_c_f_d.entity_id');
        ->condition('g_c_f_d.type', 'learning_path-group_membership');
        ->condition('g_c_f_d.gid', $lp_ids, 'IN');
      ->condition('u.uid', 0, '<>');
      ->condition('u.access', $now - $period, '>');
    $active_users = $query
    return [
      '#theme' => 'opigno_statistics_user_metrics',
      '#help_text' => t('The data below is related to your global Opigno platform (for all trainings).'),
      'users' => $this
        ->t('Users'), $users, t('This is the total number of users on your Opigno instance')),
      'new_users' => $this
        ->t('New users'), $new_users, t('This is the number of new users who registered to your Opigno instance during the last 7 days.')),
      'active_users' => $this
        ->t('Recently active users'), $active_users, t('This is the number of users who logged in to your Opigno instance during the last 7 days.')),

   * Builds trainings listing.
   * @return array
   *   Render array.
  protected function buildTrainingsList($lp_ids) {
    $query = $this->database
      ->select('opigno_learning_path_achievements', 'a');
      ->addExpression('COUNT(a.completed)', 'users_completed');
      ->addExpression('AVG(a.time)', 'time');
      ->fields('a', [
    if (is_array($lp_ids)) {
        ->condition('a.gid', $lp_ids, 'IN');
    $data = $query
    $query = $this->database
      ->select('opigno_learning_path_group_user_status', 's');
      ->addField('s', 'gid');
      ->condition('s.uid', 0, '<>');
      ->addExpression('COUNT(*)', 'count');
    $groups = $query
    $table = [
      '#type' => 'table',
      '#attributes' => [
        'class' => [
      '#header' => [
          ->t('Nb of users'),
          ->t('Nb completed'),
          ->t('Avg time spent'),
      '#rows' => [],

    // Groups ids of existing groups.
    $gids = $this->database
      ->select('groups', 'g')
      ->fields('g', [
    foreach ($data as $row) {
      $time = max(0, round($row->time));
      $time_str = $time > 0 ? $this->date_formatter
        ->formatInterval($time) : '-';

      // Set links only for existing trainings, empty link otherwise.
      if (in_array($row->gid, $gids)) {
        $details_link = Link::createFromRoute(Markup::create('<span class="sr-only">' . t('Details @name', [
          '@name' => $row->name,
        ]) . '</span>'), '', [
          'group' => $row->gid,
        $details_link['#attributes']['class'][] = 'details';
        $details_link = [
          'data' => $details_link,
      else {
        $details_link = [];
      $table['#rows'][] = [
        isset($groups[$row->gid]) ? $groups[$row->gid]->count : '',
    return $table;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $moduleHandler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');
    $query = $this->database
      ->select('opigno_learning_path_achievements', 'a');
      ->addExpression('YEAR(a.registered)', 'year');
    $data = $query
      ->orderBy('year', 'DESC')
    $years = [
      'none' => $this
        ->t('- None -'),
    foreach ($data as $row) {
      $year = $row->year;
      if (!isset($years[$year])) {
        $years[$year] = $year;
    $max_year = !empty($years) ? max(array_keys($years)) : NULL;
    $year_select = [
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => $this
      '#title_display' => 'invisible',
      '#options' => $years,
      '#default_value' => 'none',
      '#ajax' => [
        'event' => 'change',
        'callback' => '::submitFormAjax',
        'wrapper' => 'statistics-trainings-progress',
    $year_current = $form_state
    if ($year_current == NULL || $year_current == 'none') {
      if ($max_year == 'none') {
        $max_year = date('Y');
      $year = $max_year;
    else {
      $year = $year_current;
    $query = $this->database
      ->select('opigno_learning_path_achievements', 'a');
      ->addExpression('MONTH(a.registered)', 'month');
      ->addExpression('YEAR(a.registered)', 'year');
    $data = $query
    $months = [
      'none' => $this
        ->t('- None -'),
    foreach ($data as $row) {
      $month = $row->month;
      if (!isset($months[$month]) && $row->year == $year) {
        $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1);
        $months[$month] = $this->date_formatter
          ->format($timestamp, 'custom', 'F');
    $max_month = !empty($months) ? max(array_keys($months)) : NULL;
    $month_select = [
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => $this
      '#title_display' => 'invisible',
      '#options' => $months,
      '#default_value' => 'none',
      '#ajax' => [
        'event' => 'change',
        'callback' => '::submitFormAjax',
        'wrapper' => 'statistics-trainings-progress',
    $month = $form_state
      ->getValue('month', $max_month);
    if ($month == 'none' || $year_current == NULL || $year_current == 'none') {
      if ($max_month == 'none') {
        $max_month = date('n');
      $month = $max_month;
    $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
    $datetime = DrupalDateTime::createFromTimestamp($timestamp);
      ->add(new \DateInterval('P1M'));

    // Check if user has limited permissions for global statistic.
    $account = \Drupal::currentUser();
    $lp_ids = NULL;
    if (!($account
      ->hasPermission('view global statistics') || $account
      ->hasPermission('view any user statistics') || $account
      ->id() == 1)) {
      $lp_ids = $this
    $form['trainings_progress'] = [
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#attributes' => [
        'id' => 'statistics-trainings-progress',
      // H2 Need for correct structure.
        '#type' => 'html_tag',
        '#tag' => 'h2',
        '#value' => $this
          ->t('Dashboard of statistics'),
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
      'year' => $year_select,
    if ($year_current != NULL && $year_current != 'none') {
      $form['trainings_progress']['month'] = $month_select;
    $form['trainings_progress']['trainings_progress'] = $this
      ->buildTrainingsProgress($datetime, $lp_ids);
    $form['content_statistics'] = [
      '#type' => 'container',
      'users' => $this
    if ($moduleHandler
      ->moduleExists('opigno_skills_system')) {
      $form['content_statistics']['skills_list'] = $this
    $form['content_statistics']['trainings_list'] = $this
    $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'opigno_statistics/dashboard';
    return $form;

   * Builds skills listing.
   * @return array
   *   Render array.
  protected function buildSkillsTable() {
    $query = $this->database
      ->select('opigno_skills_statistic', 'a')
      ->fields('a', [
      ->addExpression('AVG(a.score)', 'score');
      ->addExpression('AVG(a.progress)', 'progress');
    $rows = $query
    $rows = array_map(function ($row) {
      $score = [
        'data' => $this
      $progress = [
        'data' => $this
      $term = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      if (!empty($term)) {
        $skill_name = $term
        return [
          'class' => 'training',
          'data-training' => $row->tid,
          'data' => [
    }, $rows);
    $rows = array_filter($rows);
    if (empty($rows)) {
      return [];
    return [
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#attributes' => [
        'class' => [
      'table' => [
        '#type' => 'table',
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
        '#header' => [
        '#rows' => $rows,

   * Get array of learning paths ID's where user have role 'student manager'.
  public function checkLimitPermissions(AccountInterface $account) {
    $connection = Database::getConnection();
    $query = $connection
      ->select('group_content_field_data', 'g_c_f_d')
      ->fields('g_c_f_d', [
      ->leftJoin('group_content__group_roles', 'g_c_g_r', ' = g_c_g_r.entity_id');
      ->condition('g_c_g_r.group_roles_target_id', 'learning_path-user_manager');
      ->condition('g_c_f_d.entity_id', $account
      ->condition('g_c_f_d.type', 'learning_path-group_membership');
    $result = $query
    $lp_ids = [];
    foreach ($result as $row) {
      $lp_ids[] = $row->gid;
    return $lp_ids;

   * Access callback to check that the user can access to view global statistic.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Access\AccessResult
   *   The access result.
  public function access(AccountInterface $account) {
    $uid = $account
    if ($account
      ->hasPermission('view global statistics') || $account
      ->hasPermission('view any user statistics') || $uid == 1) {
      return AccessResult::allowed();
    else {

      // Check if user has role 'student manager' in any of trainings.
      $is_user_manager = LearningPathAccess::memberHasRole('user_manager', $account);
      if ($is_user_manager) {
        return AccessResultAllowed::allowed()
      else {
        return AccessResultAllowed::forbidden()

   * Ajax form submit.
  public function submitFormAjax(array &$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) {
    $trigger = $form_state
    if (isset($trigger['#name']) && $trigger['#name'] == 'year') {
      $form['trainings_progress']['month']['#value'] = 'none';
    return $form['trainings_progress'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCacheMaxAge() {
    return 0;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {



Namesort descending Description
DashboardForm Implements the statistics dashboard.