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FillInProcessor.php in Opigno module 8

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  1. 3.x ActivityTypes/opigno_h5p/src/TypeProcessors/FillInProcessor.php


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namespace Drupal\opigno_h5p\TypeProcessors;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;

 * Class FillInProcessor.
 * Processes and generates HTML report for 'fill-in' interaction type.
class FillInProcessor extends TypeProcessor {

   * Placeholder for answers in the description.
   * 10 underscores.
  const FILL_IN_PLACEHOLDER = '__________';

   * Separating between different answers and in user response.
  const RESPONSES_SEPARATOR = '[,]';

   * Separator that will be applied between correct responses pattern words.
  const CRP_REPORT_SEPARATOR = ' / ';

   * Options for interaction and generates a human readable HTML report.
  public function generateHTML($description, $crp, $response, $extras, $scoreSettings = NULL) {

    // We need some style for our report.

    // Generate interaction options.
    $caseMatters = $this
    if (!empty($crp)) {

      // Process correct responses and user responses patterns.
      $processedCRPs = $this
        ->processCRPs($crp, $caseMatters['nextIndex']);
      $processedResponse = $this
      $header = $this

      // Build report from description, correct responses and user responses.
      $report = $this
        ->buildReportOutput($description, $processedCRPs, $processedResponse, $caseMatters['caseSensitive']);
      $footer = $this
    else {

      // If CPRs aren't available, display the question and the response.
      $header = '<div class="h5p-reporting-description">' . Xss::filter($description) . '</div>';
      $report = '<div class="h5p-fill-in-user-response">' . Xss::filter($response) . '</div>';

      // Footer information are not necessary if CRPs are not set.
      $footer = NULL;
    $container = '<div class="h5p-reporting-container h5p-fill-in-container">' . $header . $report . '</div>';
    return $container . $footer;

   * Generate header element.
  private function generateHeader($scoreSettings) {
    $scoreHtml = $this
    return "<div class='h5p-fill-in-header'>" . $scoreHtml . "</div>";

   * Generate footer.
  public function generateFooter() {
    return '<div class="h5p-fill-in-footer">' . '<span class="h5p-fill-in-correct-responses-pattern">' . t('Correct Answer') . '</span>' . '<span class="h5p-fill-in-user-response-correct">' . t('Your correct answer') . '</span>' . '<span class="h5p-fill-in-user-response-wrong">' . t('Your incorrect answer') . '</span>' . '</div>';

   * Massages correct responses patterns data.
   * The result is a two dimensional array sorted on placeholder order.
   * @param array $crp
   *   Correct responses pattern.
   * @param int $strStartIndex
   *   Start index of actual response pattern.
   *   Any data before this index is options applied to the tasks,
   *   and should not be processed as part of the correct responses pattern.
   * @return array
   *   Two dimensional array.
   *   The first array dimensions is sorted on placeholder order, and the second
   *   separates between correct answer alternatives.
  private function processCRPs(array $crp, $strStartIndex) {

    // CRPs sorted by placeholder order.
    $sortedCRP = [];
    foreach ($crp as $crpString) {

      // Remove options.
      $pattern = substr($crpString, $strStartIndex);

      // Process correct responses pattern into array.
      $answers = explode(self::RESPONSES_SEPARATOR, $pattern);
      foreach ($answers as $index => $value) {

        // Create array of correct alternatives at placeholder index.
        if (!isset($sortedCRP[$index])) {
          $sortedCRP[$index] = [];

        // Add alternative to placeholder index.
        if (!in_array($value, $sortedCRP[$index])) {
          $sortedCRP[$index][] = $value;
    return $sortedCRP;

   * Determine if interaction answer is case sensitive.
   * @param string $singleCRP
   *   A correct responses pattern with encoded option.
   * @return array
   *   Case sensitivity data.
  private function determineCaseMatters($singleCRP) {
    $html = '';
    $nextIndex = 0;
    $caseSensitive = NULL;

    // Check if interaction has case sensitivity option as first option.
    if (strtolower(substr($singleCRP, 1, 13)) === 'case_matters=') {
      if (strtolower(substr($singleCRP, 14, 5)) === 'false') {
        $html = 'caseSensitive = false';
        $nextIndex = 20;
        $caseSensitive = FALSE;
      elseif (strtolower(substr($singleCRP, 14, 4)) === 'true') {
        $html = 'caseSensitive = true';
        $nextIndex = 19;
        $caseSensitive = TRUE;
    return [
      'html' => $html,
      'nextIndex' => $nextIndex,
      'caseSensitive' => $caseSensitive,

   * Build report.
   * Creates a stylable HTML report from description user responses
   * and correct responses.
  private function buildReportOutput($description, $crp, $response, $caseSensitive) {

    // Get placeholder replacements and replace them.
    $placeholderReplacements = $this
      ->getPlaceholderReplacements($crp, $response, $caseSensitive);
    return $this
      ->replacePlaceholders($description, $placeholderReplacements);

   * Process correct responses patterns and user responses.
   * Format them to replace placeholders in description.
   * @param array $crp
   *   Correct responses patterns.
   * @param array $response
   *   User responses.
   * @param bool $caseSensitive
   *   Case sensitivity of interaction.
   * @return array
   *   Placeholder replacements.
  private function getPlaceholderReplacements(array $crp, array $response, $caseSensitive) {
    $placeholderReplacements = [];
    foreach ($crp as $index => $value) {
      $currentResponse = isset($response[$index]) ? $response[$index] : '';

      // Determine user response styling.
      $isCorrect = $this
        ->isResponseCorrect($currentResponse, $value, $caseSensitive);
      $responseClass = $isCorrect ? 'h5p-fill-in-user-response-correct' : 'h5p-fill-in-user-response-wrong';

      // Format the placeholder replacements.
      $userResponse = '<span class="h5p-fill-in-user-response ' . $responseClass . '">' . $currentResponse . '</span>';
      $CRPhtml = $this
        ->getCRPHtml($value, $currentResponse, $caseSensitive);
      $correctResponsePattern = '';
      if (strlen($CRPhtml) > 0) {
        $correctResponsePattern .= '<span class="h5p-fill-in-correct-responses-pattern">' . $CRPhtml . '</span>';
      $placeholderReplacements[] = $userResponse . $correctResponsePattern;
    return $placeholderReplacements;

   * Generate HTML from a single correct response pattern.
   * @param array $singleCRP
   *   Single CRP.
   * @param string $response
   *   User response.
   * @param bool $caseSensitive
   *   Case sensivity flag.
   * @return string
   *   CRP html.
  private function getCRPHtml(array $singleCRP, $response, $caseSensitive) {
    $html = [];
    foreach ($singleCRP as $value) {

      // Compare lower cases if not case sensitive.
      $comparisonCRP = $value;
      $comparisonResponse = $response;
      if (isset($caseSensitive) && $caseSensitive === FALSE) {
        $comparisonCRP = strtolower($value);
        $comparisonResponse = strtolower($response);

      // Skip showing answers that user gave.
      if ($comparisonCRP === $comparisonResponse) {
      $html[] = $value;
    return implode(self::CRP_REPORT_SEPARATOR, $html);

   * Determine if a user response is correct.
   * @param string $response
   *   User response.
   * @param array $crp
   *   Correct responses pattern.
   * @param bool $caseSensitive
   *   Case sensitivity.
   * @return bool
   *   True if user response is correct.
  private function isResponseCorrect($response, array $crp, $caseSensitive) {
    $userResponse = $response;
    $matchingPattern = $crp;

    // Make user response and matching pattern lower case if case insensitive.
    if (isset($caseSensitive) && $caseSensitive === FALSE) {
      $userResponse = strtolower($response);
      $matchingPattern = array_map('strtolower', $crp);
    return in_array($userResponse, $matchingPattern);

   * Process response by dividing it into an array on response separators.
   * @param string $response
   *   User response.
   * @return array
   *   List of user responses for the different fill-ins.
  private function processResponse($response) {
    return explode(self::RESPONSES_SEPARATOR, $response);

   * Fill in description placeholders with replacements.
   * @param string $description
   *   Description.
   * @param array $placeholderReplacements
   *   Replacements for placeholders in
   *   description.
   * @return string
   *   Description with replaced placeholders.
  private function replacePlaceholders($description, array $placeholderReplacements) {
    $replacedDescription = $description;

    // Determine position of next placeholder and the corresponding
    // replacement index.
    $index = 0;
    $nextPos = strpos($replacedDescription, self::FILL_IN_PLACEHOLDER, 0);
    while ($nextPos !== FALSE) {

      // Fill in placeholder in description with replacement.
      $replacedDescription = substr_replace($replacedDescription, $placeholderReplacements[$index], $nextPos, strlen(self::FILL_IN_PLACEHOLDER));

      // Determine position of next placeholder and the corresponding
      // replacement index.
      $nextPos = strpos($replacedDescription, self::FILL_IN_PLACEHOLDER, $nextPos + strlen($placeholderReplacements[$index]));
      $index += 1;
    return $replacedDescription;



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FillInProcessor Class FillInProcessor.