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TrainingEditInterfaceTest.php in Opigno Learning path 3.x

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  1. 8 tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/TrainingEditInterfaceTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\opigno_learning_path\FunctionalJavascript;

 * Tests user access to a Training interface (with Angular app).
 * @group opigno_learning_path
class TrainingEditInterfaceTest extends LearningPathWebDriverTestBase {

   * Tests Training Interface Access.
  public function testTrainingInterfaceAccess() {

     * Test access for user with group role: content manager.
    $content_manager = $this

    // Create training.
    $training = $this
      'uid' => $this->groupCreator,

    // Add local content manager to a training.
      ->addGroupRoleForUser($training, $content_manager, [

    // Add module with activities to a training.
    $module_1 = $this
      'uid' => $this->groupCreator
      ->addModuleToTraining($training, $module_1);

    // Add another module to a training where LCM is an owner.
    $module_2 = $this
      'uid' => $content_manager
      ->addModuleToTraining($training, $module_2);
      ->drupalGet('/group/' . $training
      ->id() . '/inner-modules');

    // Wait 2 seconds when Angular app will be loaded.
    $page = $this
      ->assertEquals(FALSE, $page
      ->getName()), 'Local content manager can not see not own modules.');
      ->assertEquals(TRUE, $page
      ->getName()), 'Local content manager can see own modules.');
      ->assertEquals(TRUE, $page
      ->hasButton('Add activity'), 'Local content manager can add activities to own modules.');



Namesort descending Description
TrainingEditInterfaceTest Tests user access to a Training interface (with Angular app).