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8 calls to OpignoGroupContext::ensureSession() in Opigno group manager 8

OpignoGroupContext::getActivityLinkType in src/OpignoGroupContext.php
Gets the context activity answer link type.
OpignoGroupContext::getCurrentGroupContentId in src/OpignoGroupContext.php
Get the group current Content ID (cid).
OpignoGroupContext::getCurrentGroupId in src/OpignoGroupContext.php
Get the group ID. Can be empty.
OpignoGroupContext::removeActivityLinkType in src/OpignoGroupContext.php
Removes the context activity answer link type.
OpignoGroupContext::removeContext in src/OpignoGroupContext.php
Remove all the context variables.
OpignoGroupContext::setActivityLinkType in src/OpignoGroupContext.php
Sets the context activity answer link type.
OpignoGroupContext::setCurrentContentId in src/OpignoGroupContext.php
Set the context Learning Path Content ID.
OpignoGroupContext::setGroupId in src/OpignoGroupContext.php
Set the context Group ID.