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77 calls to Base::getOption() in Openlayers 7.3

Attribution::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Control/Attribution/Attribution.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Base::addObject in src/Types/Base.php
Add an object into the collection of the parent object.
Base::removeObject in src/Types/Base.php
Remove an object from the collection.
BingMaps::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/BingMaps/BingMaps.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
BootstrapjsAlert::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Component/BootstrapjsAlert/BootstrapjsAlert.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Circle::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Style/Circle/Circle.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Cluster::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/Cluster/Cluster.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Cluster::optionsToObjects in src/Plugin/Source/Cluster/Cluster.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
DragPan::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Interaction/DragPan/DragPan.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Export::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Control/Export/Export.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Field::getGeojsonFeatures in modules/openlayers_field/src/Plugin/Source/Field/Field.php
Compute the GeoJSON features array.
Field::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_field/src/Plugin/Source/Field/Field.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Geofield::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_geofield/src/Plugin/Control/Geofield/Geofield.php
GeofieldWidget::initialDataToGeomFeatures in modules/openlayers_geofield/src/Plugin/Component/GeofieldWidget/GeofieldWidget.php
Convert an array of WKT into a Geometry and features.
GeofieldWidget::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_geofield/src/Plugin/Component/GeofieldWidget/GeofieldWidget.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
GeofieldWidget::optionsToObjects in modules/openlayers_geofield/src/Plugin/Component/GeofieldWidget/GeofieldWidget.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
GeofieldWidget::postBuild in modules/openlayers_geofield/src/Plugin/Component/GeofieldWidget/GeofieldWidget.php
Invoked after an objects render array is built.
GeofieldWidget::preBuild in modules/openlayers_geofield/src/Plugin/Component/GeofieldWidget/GeofieldWidget.php
Invoked before an objects render array is built.
GeoJSON::attached in src/Plugin/Source/GeoJSON/GeoJSON.php
Returns a list of attachments for building the render array.
GeoJSON::getJS in src/Plugin/Source/GeoJSON/GeoJSON.php
!Attention! This function will remove any option that is named after a plugin type e.g.: layers, controls, styles, interactions, components .
GeoJSON::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/GeoJSON/GeoJSON.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Geolocation::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Component/Geolocation/Geolocation.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
GoogleMaps::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
GPX::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/GPX/GPX.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Graticule::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Component/Graticule/Graticule.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Group::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Layer/Group/Group.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Group::optionsToObjects in src/Plugin/Layer/Group/Group.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
Heatmap::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Layer/Heatmap/Heatmap.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Icon::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Style/Icon/Icon.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
InlineJS::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/InlineJS/InlineJS.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
InlineJS::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Component/InlineJS/InlineJS.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
InlineJS::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Interaction/InlineJS/InlineJS.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
InlineJS::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Control/InlineJS/InlineJS.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
InlineJS::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Style/InlineJS/InlineJS.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
InlineJS::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Layer/InlineJS/InlineJS.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
JSGeocoder::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Control/JSGeocoder/JSGeocoder.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
KML::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/KML/KML.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Layer::getOpacity in src/Types/Layer.php
Return the opacity of the layer (between 0 and 1).
Layer::getVisible in src/Types/Layer.php
Return the visibility of the layer.
Layer::getZIndex in src/Types/Layer.php
Return the Z-index of the layer.
Layer::optionsToObjects in src/Types/Layer.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
LayerSwitcher::i18nStringsRefresh in src/Plugin/Control/LayerSwitcher/LayerSwitcher.php
Refresh string translations.
LayerSwitcher::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Control/LayerSwitcher/LayerSwitcher.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
LayerSwitcher::preBuild in src/Plugin/Control/LayerSwitcher/LayerSwitcher.php
Invoked before an objects render array is built.
Map::build in src/Types/Map.php
Build render array of a map.
Map::getSize in src/Types/Map.php
Return the size of the map.
Map::getTarget in src/Types/Map.php
Get the target ID in which this map is rendered.
Map::optionsToObjects in src/Types/Map.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
MapQuest::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/MapQuest/MapQuest.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
MousePosition::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Control/MousePosition/MousePosition.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
OL3LayerSwitcher::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Control/OL3LayerSwitcher/OL3LayerSwitcher.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
OLMap::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Map/OLMap/OLMap.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
OLMap::optionsFormSubmit in src/Plugin/Map/OLMap/OLMap.php
Submit callback for the options form.
Popup::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Component/Popup/Popup.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Random::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Source/Random/Random.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Random::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Style/Random/Random.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Random::optionsToObjects in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Source/Random/Random.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
Random::optionsToObjects in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Style/Random/Random.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
RegularShape::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Style/RegularShape/RegularShape.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Select::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Interaction/Select/Select.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Select::optionsToObjects in src/Plugin/Interaction/Select/Select.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
SetValues::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Component/SetValues/SetValues.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Snap::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Interaction/Snap/Snap.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Snap::optionsToObjects in src/Plugin/Interaction/Snap/Snap.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
SpinJS::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Component/SpinJS/SpinJS.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Stamen::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/Stamen/Stamen.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Tile::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Layer/Tile/Tile.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
TileDebug::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/TileDebug/TileDebug.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
TileJSON::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/TileJSON/TileJSON.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
TileUTFGrid::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/TileUTFGrid/TileUTFGrid.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
TileWMS::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/TileWMS/TileWMS.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Translate::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Interaction/Translate/Translate.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Translate::optionsToObjects in src/Plugin/Interaction/Translate/Translate.php
Return a flat array containing Openlayers Objects from the options array.
Vector::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Layer/Vector/Vector.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Views::init in modules/openlayers_views/src/Plugin/Source/Views/Views.php
Views::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_views/src/Plugin/Source/Views/Views.php
XYZ::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/XYZ/XYZ.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?