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7 calls to Base::getMachineName() in Openlayers 7.3

Base::getId in src/Types/Base.php
Return the object unique ID.
Base::getParents in src/Types/Base.php
Returns an array with the maps this object is attached on.
Error::getMessage in src/Types/Error.php
LayerSwitcher::i18nStringsRefresh in src/Plugin/Control/LayerSwitcher/LayerSwitcher.php
Refresh string translations.
LayerSwitcher::preBuild in src/Plugin/Control/LayerSwitcher/LayerSwitcher.php
Invoked before an objects render array is built.
OLMap::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Map/OLMap/OLMap.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Views::init in modules/openlayers_views/src/Plugin/Source/Views/Views.php