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21 calls to Openlayers::loadAllAsOptions() in Openlayers 7.3

Autopopup::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Component/Autopopup/Autopopup.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Cluster::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/Cluster/Cluster.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
GeofieldWidget::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_geofield/src/Plugin/Component/GeofieldWidget/GeofieldWidget.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
ImageVector::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Source/ImageVector/ImageVector.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
LayerSwitcher::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Control/LayerSwitcher/LayerSwitcher.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
openlayers::options_form in modules/openlayers_boxes/plugins/boxes/openlayers.php
Provide options to configure content.
OpenlayersMap::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_quicktabs/plugins/quicktabs/OpenlayersMap.php
Method for returning the form elements to display for this tab type on the admin form.
openlayers_content_types_openlayers_content_type_edit_form in modules/openlayers_content_types/plugins/content_types/
Define the settings.
openlayers_field_field_instance_settings_form in modules/openlayers_field/openlayers_field.module
Implements hook_field_instance_settings_form().
openlayers_field_field_widget_form in modules/openlayers_field/openlayers_field.module
Implements hook_field_widget_form().
openlayers_layer_form_style in modules/openlayers_ui/src/Plugin/export_ui/
Layer style config form handler.
openlayers_layer_form_type in modules/openlayers_ui/src/Plugin/export_ui/
Layer type config form handler.
openlayers_map_form_layers in modules/openlayers_ui/src/Plugin/export_ui/
Map layers config form handler.
Popup::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Component/Popup/Popup.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Random::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Style/Random/Random.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Random::optionsForm in modules/openlayers_library/src/Plugin/Source/Random/Random.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Select::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Interaction/Select/Select.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Snap::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Interaction/Snap/Snap.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Tooltip::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Component/Tooltip/Tooltip.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
Translate::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Interaction/Translate/Translate.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?
ZoomToSource::optionsForm in src/Plugin/Component/ZoomToSource/ZoomToSource.php
@TODO What is this return? If it is the form, why is form by reference?