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11 string references to 'openlayers_maps' in Openlayers 7.2

openlayers_ctools_plugin_api in ./openlayers.module
Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
openlayers_example_ctools_plugin_api in docs/openlayers.api.php
CTools Registration Hook
openlayers_map_load in ./openlayers.module
Given a map name, get full map object.
openlayers_map_save in ./openlayers.module
Save a map object to the database.
openlayers_object_delete in ./openlayers.module
Delete an object from the database.
openlayers_schema in ./openlayers.install
Implements hook_schema().
openlayers_test_ctools_plugin_api in tests/openlayers_test.module
Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
openlayers_ui_openlayers_maps_ctools_export_ui in modules/openlayers_ui/plugins/export_ui/
CTools Export UI required function for plugin definition See function ctools_plugin_load_includes() in the module ctools.
openlayers_update_7201 in ./openlayers.install
Implements hook_update_N().
openlayers_update_7207 in ./openlayers.install
Migrate configured projections so that other projections than those of EPSG can be used, too.
openlayers_update_7208 in ./openlayers.install
Ensure projections carry an authority code.