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8 calls to openlayers_map_load() in Openlayers 7.2

openlayers_build_map in ./openlayers.module
Prepare a map for rendering.
openlayers_maps_ui::edit_form in modules/openlayers_ui/plugins/export_ui/openlayers_maps_ui.class.php
Provide the actual editing form.
openlayers_map_content_type_render in plugins/content_types/
Run-time rendering of the body of the block.
openlayers_preset_load in ./openlayers.module
openlayers_render_map in ./openlayers.module
Render a map by name
openlayers_simple::render in plugins/boxes/
Implementation of boxes_content::options_form().
openlayers_views_style_map::query in modules/openlayers_views/views/
Query - override to make sure this doesn't get run
QuickMap::render in plugins/quicktabs/
Renders the content.