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namespace Drupal\openlayers\Plugin\OpenlayersControl in Openlayers 8.4

Classsort descending Location Description
Attribution src/Plugin/OpenlayersControl/Attribution.php Defines the Attribution control for an Openlayers map.
FullScreen src/Plugin/OpenlayersControl/FullScreen.php Defines the Full Screen control for an Openlayers map.
MousePosition src/Plugin/OpenlayersControl/MousePosition.php Defines the Mouse Position control for an Openlayers map.
OverviewMap src/Plugin/OpenlayersControl/OverviewMap.php Defines the Overview Map control for an Openlayers map.
Rotate src/Plugin/OpenlayersControl/Rotate.php Defines the Rotate control for an Openlayers map.
ScaleLine src/Plugin/OpenlayersControl/ScaleLine.php Defines the Scale Line control for an Openlayers map.
Zoom src/Plugin/OpenlayersControl/Zoom.php Defines the Zoom control for an Openlayers map.
ZoomSlider src/Plugin/OpenlayersControl/ZoomSlider.php Defines the Zoom Slider control for an Openlayers map.