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protected function JsonApiGenerator::getRouteMethodDescription in OpenAPI 8

Gets description of a method on a route.


\Symfony\Component\Routing\Route $route: The route.

string $route_name: The route name.

string $method: The method.

string $resource_type_name: The resource type name

Return value

string The method description.

1 call to JsonApiGenerator::getRouteMethodDescription()
JsonApiGenerator::getPaths in src/Plugin/openapi/OpenApiGenerator/JsonApiGenerator.php
Returns the paths information.


src/Plugin/openapi/OpenApiGenerator/JsonApiGenerator.php, line 330


Defines an OpenApi Schema Generator for the JsonApi module.




protected function getRouteMethodDescription($route, $route_name, $method, $resource_type_name) {
  $route_type = $this
  if (!$route_type || $method !== 'get') {
    return NULL;
  if ($route_type === 'collection') {
    $message = '%link_co for the @name resource type. Collections are a list';
    $message .= ' of %link_ro for a particular resource type. In the JSON ';
    $message .= 'API module for Drupal all collections are homogeneous, ';
    $message .= 'which means that all the items in a collection are of the ';
    $message .= 'same type.';
    return $this
      ->t($message, [
      '%link_co' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
        ->t('Collection endpoint'), Url::fromUri(''))
      '@name' => $resource_type_name,
      '%link_ro' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
        ->t('resource objects'), Url::fromUri(''))
  elseif ($route_type === 'individual') {
    $message = '%link_in for the @name resource type. The individual ';
    $message .= 'endpoint contains a %link_ro with the data for a particular';
    $message .= ' resource or entity.';
    return $this
      ->t($message, [
      '%link_in' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
        ->t('Individual endpoint'), Url::fromUri(''))
      '@name' => $resource_type_name,
      '%link_ro' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
        ->t('resource object'), Url::fromUri(''))
  elseif ($route_type === 'related') {
    $message = '%link_related for the @target_name resource type through the';
    $message .= ' %field_name relationship. The related endpoint contains a ';
    $message .= '%link_ro with the data for a particular related resource or';
    $message .= ' entity.';
    $target_resource_type = $this
      ->relatedResourceType($route_name, $route);
    return $this
      ->t($message, [
      '%link_related' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
        ->t('Related endpoint'), Url::fromUri(''))
      '@target_name' => $target_resource_type
      '%field_name' => explode('.', $route_name)[2],
      '%link_ro' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
        ->t('resource object'), Url::fromUri(''))
  elseif ($route_type === 'relationship') {
    $message = '%link_rel for the @target_name resource type through the';
    $message .= ' %field_name relationship. The relationship endpoint ';
    $message .= 'contains a %link_ri with the data for a particular ';
    $message .= 'relationship.';
    $target_resource_type = $this
      ->relatedResourceType($route_name, $route);
    return $this
      ->t($message, [
      '%link_rel' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
        ->t('Relationship endpoint'), Url::fromUri(''))
      '@target_name' => $target_resource_type
      '%field_name' => explode('.', $route_name)[2],
      '%link_ri' => Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
        ->t('resource identifier object'), Url::fromUri(''))
  return NULL;