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function OgVocabApiTestCase::testLabelUrlCallbacks in OG Vocabulary 7

Test the entity_label() and entity_uri() callbacks.


./og_vocab.test, line 431
Test organic groups vocabulary module.




function testLabelUrlCallbacks() {
  global $user;
  $admin1 = $this
    'administer taxonomy',
  $type = $this->type;
  $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($this->vid);
  $group = node_load($this->gid);
  $og_vocab = og_vocab_create_og_vocab($this->vid, 'node', $type->type);
  $label = entity_label('og_vocab', $og_vocab);
  $params = array(
    '@id' => $og_vocab->id,
    '@bundle' => $type->name,
    '@name' => $vocab->name,
  $expected_label = t('@bundle bundle in @name vocabulary (OG Vocabulary ID @id)', $params);
    ->assertEqual($label, $expected_label, 'Correct label for admin user.');
  $uri = entity_uri('og_vocab', $og_vocab);
    ->assertEqual($uri['path'], 'admin/structure/taxonomy/terms/edit', 'Correct URL for admin user.');

  // Assert the fragment.
    ->assertEqual($uri['options']['fragment'], 'og-vocab-node-' . $type->type, 'Correct URL fragment.');

  // This is needed as otherwise og_user_access() fails.
  $user = $this->user2;
  $label = entity_label('og_vocab', $og_vocab);
  $expected_label = t('OG Vocabulary ID @id', array(
    '@id' => $og_vocab->id,
    ->assertEqual($label, $expected_label, 'Correct label for authenticated user.');
  $uri = entity_uri('og_vocab', $og_vocab);
    ->assertTrue(empty($uri['path']), 'User has no access to the URL.');

  // Set group permissions.
  $roles = array_flip(og_roles('node', $group->type));
  og_role_change_permissions($roles[OG_AUTHENTICATED_ROLE], array(
    'administer taxonomy' => 1,

  // Add user to group.
  og_group('node', $this->gid, array(
    'entity' => $this->user2,
  $uri = entity_uri('og_vocab', $og_vocab);
    ->assertEqual($uri['path'], "group/node/{$this->gid}/admin/taxonomy/{$vocab->machine_name}/edit", 'Correct URL for authenticated user that is a group member.');