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8 calls to og_vocab_get_group() in OG Vocabulary 6

og_vocab_determine_access in ./og_vocab.module
Access function to determine if a user has access to the menu item.
og_vocab_form_taxonomy_form_vocabulary_alter in ./og_vocab.module
Implementation of hook_form_FORM-ID_alter().
og_vocab_get_accessible_vocabs in ./og_vocab.module
API function; Get all the vocabs a user may access.
og_vocab_init in ./og_vocab.module
Implementation of hook_init().
og_vocab_service_get_group in ./
Service callback; Returns the group ID associated with a vocabulary ID.
og_vocab_taxonomy_admin_term_edit in ./og_vocab.module
Menu callback; Make sure the term id is a valid one and that can be accessed by the user.
og_vocab_token_values in ./
Implementation of hook_token_values().
og_vocab_write_record in ./og_vocab.module
API function; Insert or update a record to the {og_vocab} table.