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constant OG_VOCAB_FIELD in OG Vocabulary 7

OG-vocab default field name.

9 uses of OG_VOCAB_FIELD
OgVocab::save in includes/
Overrides Entity::save().
OgVocabApiTestCase::testAutoCreateField in ./og_vocab.test
Test creating of OG vocabuylary field when OG-vocab is saved.
OgVocabComplexWidgetTestCase::setUp in ./og_vocab.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
OgVocabComplexWidgetTestCase::testContext in ./og_vocab.test
Test Showing widget by context.
OgVocabMigrate::preImport in includes/migrate/
Add the OG-vocab field to the bundle.

... See full list


./og_vocab.module, line 11
Give each group its own system controlled vocabularies.


define('OG_VOCAB_FIELD', 'og_vocabulary');