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7 calls to og_subgroups_mask_group() in Subgroups for Organic groups 6

og_subgroups_group_select_options in includes/
Create form select options for the subgroup selector
og_subgroups_hs_hierarchical_select_children in modules/og_subgroups_hs/og_subgroups_hs.module
Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_children().
og_subgroups_hs_hierarchical_select_root_level in modules/og_subgroups_hs/og_subgroups_hs.module
Implementation of hook_hierarchical_select_root_level().
og_subgroups_prop_propagate_content in modules/og_subgroups_prop/og_subgroups_prop.module
Propagates content along the subgroups tree.
theme_og_subgroups_menu_tree_link in includes/
Theme callback to output a link for a group tree
_og_subgroups_group_select_options_recursive in includes/
Recursive callback to help create group select options
_og_subgroups_group_select_options_without_family in includes/
Helper function to generate a list of select options of groups that do not have a hierarchy, meaning they are not in a family