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protected function MemberCountBlockTest::doAssertCached in Organic groups 8

Checks the cache status of the block for the given group.


string $assert_method: The method to use for asserting that the block is cached or not cached.

int $group_key: The key of the group for which to check the block cache status.

2 calls to MemberCountBlockTest::doAssertCached()
MemberCountBlockTest::assertCached in tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/Block/MemberCountBlockTest.php
Checks that the block is cached for the given group.
MemberCountBlockTest::assertNotCached in tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/Block/MemberCountBlockTest.php
Checks that the block is not cached for the given group.


tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/Block/MemberCountBlockTest.php, line 343


Tests the member count block.




protected function doAssertCached($assert_method, $group_key) {

  // We will switch the currently active context so that the right cache
  // contexts are available for the render cache. Keep track of the currently
  // active group so we can restore it after checking the cache status.
  $original_active_group = $this->activeGroup;
  $this->activeGroup = $this->groups[$group_key];

  // Retrieve the block to render, and apply the required cache contexts that
  // are also applied when RendererInterface::renderRoot() is executed. This
  // ensures that we pass the same cache information to the render cache as is
  // done when actually rendering the HTML root.
  $render_array = $this->blockViewBuilder
  $render_array['#cache']['contexts'] = Cache::mergeContexts($render_array['#cache']['contexts'], $this->container

  // Retrieve the cached data and perform the assertion.
  $cached_data = $this->renderCache

  // Restore the active group.
  $this->activeGroup = $original_active_group;