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public function GetBundleByBundleTest::getBundleIdsByBundleProvider in Organic groups 8

Provides test data for testGetBundleIdsByBundle().

Return value

array An array of test properties. Each property is an indexed array with the following items:

  • An array indicating the relationships between groups and group content bundles that need to be set up in the test.
  • An array containing the expected results for the call to getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle().
  • An array containing the expected results for the 4 calls to getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle() that will be made in the test. If an empty array is expected to be returned, this result is omitted.


tests/src/Kernel/Entity/GetBundleByBundleTest.php, line 198


Tests retrieving group content bundles by group bundles and vice versa.




public function getBundleIdsByBundleProvider() {
  return [
    // Test the simplest case: a single group content type that references a
    // single group type.
      // The first parameter sets up the relations between groups and group
      // content.
        // Creating group content of type 'node'.
        'node' => [
          // The first of which...
          'group_content_0' => [
            // Has a single group audience field, configured to reference
            // groups of type 'node', targeting bundle '0'.
              'node' => [
      // The second parameter contains the expected result for the call to
      // getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle(). In this case we expect group
      // '0' of type 'node' to be referenced.
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
      // Finally, the third parameter contains all 4 expected results for the
      // call to getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle(). In this test only
      // node 0 should be referenced, all others should be empty.
      // Note that if the result is expected to be an empty array it can be
      // omitted from this list. In reality all 4 possible permutations will
      // always be tested.
        // When calling the method with entity type 'node' and bundle '0' we
        // expect an array to be returned containing group content of type
        // 'node', bundle '0'.
        'node' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
          // There is no group content referencing group '1', so we expect an
          // empty array. This may be omitted.
          'group_1' => [],
        'block_content' => [
          // This may be omitted.
          'group_0' => [],
          // This may be omitted.
          'group_1' => [],
    // When the bundles are left empty, all bundles should be referenced.
      // Group to group content relationship matrix.
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
              'node' => [],
      // Expected result for getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
      // Expected result for getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
          'group_1' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
    // Test having two group audience fields referencing both group types.
      // Group to group content relationship matrix.
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
              'node' => [],
              'block_content' => [
      // Expected result for getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
            'block_content' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
      // Expected result for getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
          'group_1' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
        'block_content' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
          'group_1' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
    // Test having two group audience fields, one referencing node group 0 and
    // the other entity test group 1.
      // Group to group content relationship matrix.
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
              'node' => [
              'block_content' => [
      // Expected result for getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
            'block_content' => [
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
      // Expected result for getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
        'block_content' => [
          'group_1' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
    // Test having two different group content entity types referencing the
    // same group.
      // Group to group content relationship matrix.
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
              'node' => [
        'block_content' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
              'node' => [
      // Expected result for getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
        'block_content' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
      // Expected result for getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
            'block_content' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
    // Test having two identical group audience fields on the same group
    // content type.
      // Group to group content relationship matrix.
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
              'node' => [
              'node' => [
      // Expected result for getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
      // Expected result for getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
    // Test having two group audience fields on the same group content type,
    // each referencing a different group bundle of the same type.
      // Group to group content relationship matrix.
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
              'node' => [
              'node' => [
      // Expected result for getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
      // Expected result for getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
          'group_1' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
    // Test having two group content types referencing the same group. The
    // second group content type also references another group with a second
    // group audience field.
      // Group to group content relationship matrix.
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
              'node' => [
          'group_content_1' => [
              'node' => [
              'node' => [
      // Expected result for getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
          'group_content_1' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
      // Expected result for getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
              'group_content_1' => 'group_content_1',
          'group_1' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_1' => 'group_content_1',
    // Bananas.
      // Group to group content relationship matrix.
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            0 => [
              'node' => [
            1 => [
              'block_content' => [
          'group_content_1' => [
            2 => [
              'block_content' => [
        'block_content' => [
          'group_content_2' => [
            0 => [
              'node' => [
            1 => [
              'node' => [
            2 => [
              'node' => [
          'group_content_3' => [
            3 => [
              'block_content' => [
          'group_content_4' => [
            4 => [
              'node' => [
            5 => [
              'block_content' => [
      // Expected result for getGroupBundleIdsByGroupContentBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_content_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
            'block_content' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
          'group_content_1' => [
            'block_content' => [
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
        'block_content' => [
          'group_content_2' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
          'group_content_3' => [
            'block_content' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
          'group_content_4' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_0' => 'group_0',
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
            'block_content' => [
              'group_1' => 'group_1',
      // Expected result for getGroupContentBundleIdsByGroupBundle().
        'node' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
            'block_content' => [
              'group_content_2' => 'group_content_2',
              'group_content_4' => 'group_content_4',
          'group_1' => [
            'block_content' => [
              'group_content_2' => 'group_content_2',
              'group_content_4' => 'group_content_4',
        'block_content' => [
          'group_0' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
            'block_content' => [
              'group_content_3' => 'group_content_3',
          'group_1' => [
            'node' => [
              'group_content_0' => 'group_content_0',
              'group_content_1' => 'group_content_1',
            'block_content' => [
              'group_content_3' => 'group_content_3',
              'group_content_4' => 'group_content_4',