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public function EntityCreateAccessTest::testViewPermissionDoesNotGrantCreateAccess in Organic groups 8

Tests that users that can only view cannot access the entity creation form.


tests/src/Kernel/Entity/EntityCreateAccessTest.php, line 87


Tests access to the create entity form through the user interface.




public function testViewPermissionDoesNotGrantCreateAccess() {

  // Create test user.
  $user = User::create([
    'name' => $this

  // Create a group.
    'title' => $this
    'type' => 'group',
    'uid' => $user

  // Make sure the anonymous user exists. This normally is created in the
  // install hook of the User module, but this doesn't run in a KernelTest.
  // @see user_install()
    'uid' => 0,
    'status' => 0,
    'name' => '',

  // Grant the anonymous user permission to view published content.

  /** @var \Drupal\user\Entity\Role $role */
  $role = Role::create([
    'id' => Role::ANONYMOUS_ID,
    'label' => 'anonymous user',
    ->grantPermission('access content');

  // Verify that the user does not have access to the entity create form of
  // the group content type.

  /** @var \Drupal\node\Access\NodeAddAccessCheck $node_access_check */
  $node_access_check = $this->container
  $result = $node_access_check
    ->access(User::getAnonymousUser(), $this->groupContentType);
    ->assertNotInstanceOf('\\Drupal\\Core\\Access\\AccessResultAllowed', $result);

  // Test that the user can access the entity create form when the permission
  // to create group content is granted. Note that node access control is
  // cached, so we need to reset it when we change permissions.
    ->grantPermission('create post content')
  $result = $node_access_check
    ->access(User::getAnonymousUser(), $this->groupContentType);
    ->assertInstanceOf('\\Drupal\\Core\\Access\\AccessResultAllowed', $result);