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og_wiki.test in Organic groups 6

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  1. 6.2 tests/og_wiki.test


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 * @file
 * Wiki test for the organic groups module.
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'og') . '/tests/og_testcase.php';
class OgWiki extends OgTestCase {

   * Implementation of getInfo().
  function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Organic groups wiki test'),
      'description' => t('Tests posting a wiki post and editing it.'),
      'group' => t('Organic groups'),

   * Implementation of setUp().
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('og', 'og_access');

    // Create a user with admin permissions.
    $web_admin = $this
      'administer nodes',
      'administer content types',
      'access administration pages',
      'administer site configuration',
      'administer organic groups',
    $this->web_admin = $web_admin;

    // Create a web user.
    $web_user = $this
      'access content',
    $this->web_user = $web_user;

   * Test the simple case of creation of a group node and a group post
   * by the same user.
  function testOgWiki() {

    // Create a group node content type.
    $og_group_type = $this
    variable_set('og_content_type_usage_' . $og_group_type->name, 'group');

    // Create a group post content type.
    $og_post_type = $this
    variable_set('og_content_type_usage_' . $og_post_type->name, 'group_post_wiki');

    // Rebuild the menu so the new content types will appear in the menu.

    // Create a group node.
    $gid = $this

    // Create a post node.
    $nid = $this
      ->addOgPost($og_post_type->name, array(

    // Login web user.

    // Web user isn't isn't a member so cannot edit the node.
      ->assertResponse(403, t('Non-group member got a 403 page while trying to access edit wiki post.'));

    // Subscribe web user to the group.
      ->drupalGet('og/subscribe/' . $gid);
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Join'));

    // Re-try to edit.
      ->assertResponse(200, t('Group member is allowed to edit a wiki post.'));



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