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function OgTestCase::addOgGroup in Organic groups 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 tests/og_testcase.php \OgTestCase::addOgGroup()

Create a group node.


$type: The content type name.

$selective: The group's visibility (e.g. open, moderated, etc').

$args: Other node fields to be saved with the node object.

Return value

The newly created node id.

4 calls to OgTestCase::addOgGroup()
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OgWiki::testOgWiki in tests/og_wiki.test
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tests/og_testcase.php, line 21
Common functions for all the organic groups tests.


@file Common functions for all the organic groups tests.


function addOgGroup($type, $selective = OG_OPEN, $args = array()) {
  $edit = array();
  $edit['og_description'] = $this
  $edit['og_selective'] = $selective;
  $edit = array_merge($edit, $args);

  // Keys that should be present when the node is loaded.
  $keys = array(
  $keys = array_merge($keys, array_keys($args));
  $og_type = t('Group node');
  return $this
    ->_addOgContent($type, $og_type, $edit, $keys);