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public function OgGroupAudienceHelperInterface::getAllGroupAudienceFields in Organic groups 8

Returns all the group audience fields of a certain bundle.


string $group_content_entity_type_id: The entity type ID of the group content for which to return audience fields.

string $group_content_bundle_id: The bundle name of the group content for which to return audience fields.

string $group_entity_type_id: Filter list to only include fields referencing a specific group type. If omitted, all fields will be returned.

string $group_bundle_id: Filter list to only include fields referencing a specific group bundle. Fields that do not specify any bundle restrictions at all are also included. If omitted, the results will not be filtered by group bundle.

Return value

\Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface[] An array of field definitions, keyed by field name; Or an empty array if none found.

1 method overrides OgGroupAudienceHelperInterface::getAllGroupAudienceFields()
OgGroupAudienceHelper::getAllGroupAudienceFields in src/OgGroupAudienceHelper.php
Returns all the group audience fields of a certain bundle.


src/OgGroupAudienceHelperInterface.php, line 68


Interface for a service that deals with group audience fields.




public function getAllGroupAudienceFields($group_content_entity_type_id, $group_content_bundle_id, $group_entity_type_id = NULL, $group_bundle_id = NULL);