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public function GroupTypeManager::getAllGroupContentBundleIds in Organic groups 8

Returns a list of all group content bundles IDs keyed by entity type.

This will return a simple list of group content bundles IDs. If you need information about the relations between groups and group content bundles then use getGroupRelationMap() instead.

Return value

string[][] An associative array of group content bundle IDs, keyed by entity type ID.

Overrides GroupTypeManagerInterface::getAllGroupContentBundleIds

See also


1 call to GroupTypeManager::getAllGroupContentBundleIds()
GroupTypeManager::getAllGroupContentBundlesByEntityType in src/GroupTypeManager.php
Returns a list of all group content bundles filtered by entity type.


src/GroupTypeManager.php, line 203


A manager to keep track of which entity type/bundles are OG group enabled.




public function getAllGroupContentBundleIds() {
  $bundles = [];
  foreach ($this
    ->getGroupRelationMap() as $group_bundle_ids) {
    foreach ($group_bundle_ids as $group_content_entity_type_ids) {
      foreach ($group_content_entity_type_ids as $group_content_entity_type_id => $group_content_bundle_ids) {
        $bundles[$group_content_entity_type_id] = array_merge(isset($bundles[$group_content_entity_type_id]) ? $bundles[$group_content_entity_type_id] : [], $group_content_bundle_ids);
  return $bundles;