og_example.info in Organic groups 7
core = "7.x"
dependencies[] = "ctools"
dependencies[] = "features"
dependencies[] = "og"
dependencies[] = "og_ui"
dependencies[] = "page_manager"
dependencies[] = "panels"
dependencies[] = "views_content"
description = "Example module to show Organic groups configuration that can be used as building block."
features[ctools][] = "page_manager:pages_default:1"
features[field][] = "node-group-body"
features[field][] = "node-group-group_group"
features[field][] = "node-post-body"
features[field][] = "node-post-group_audience"
features[node][] = "group"
features[node][] = "post"
features[page_manager_handlers][] = "node_view_panel_context"
name = "OG example"
package = "Features"
php = "5.2.4"
View source
- core = "7.x"
- dependencies[] = "ctools"
- dependencies[] = "features"
- dependencies[] = "og"
- dependencies[] = "og_ui"
- dependencies[] = "page_manager"
- dependencies[] = "panels"
- dependencies[] = "views_content"
- description = "Example module to show Organic groups configuration that can be used as building block."
- features[ctools][] = "page_manager:pages_default:1"
- features[field][] = "node-group-body"
- features[field][] = "node-group-group_group"
- features[field][] = "node-post-body"
- features[field][] = "node-post-group_audience"
- features[node][] = "group"
- features[node][] = "post"
- features[page_manager_handlers][] = "node_view_panel_context"
- name = "OG example"
- package = "Features"
- php = "5.2.4"