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9 calls to og_is_group_member() in Organic groups 6.2

og_approve in ./og.module
Activate a user's membership in a group.
og_details_links in ./og.module
Create group-contextual links, such as the group details block.
og_home_empty in ./og.module
Show a suitable message if there are no nodes posted to the current group.
og_menu_access_invite in ./og.module
Menu access callback to determine if the current user may invite other users.
og_menu_access_picture in modules/og_views/og_views.module
og_menu_access_unsubscribe in ./og.module
Check if current user may unsubscribe the specified user from the specified group.
og_rules_condition_user_in_group in includes/
Condition: User is group member.
og_views_handler_field_og_member_count::render in modules/og_views/includes/
og_views_plugin_argument_validate_og_group_types::validate_membership in modules/og_views/includes/
Validate whether the current user is a member of the specified group.