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12 calls to og_get_types() in Organic groups 6.2

og_admin_settings in includes/
Menu callback to load settings form.
og_devel_generate in ./og.module
Facilitate random group creation for Devel Generate.
og_get_sql_args in ./og.module
Helper function for queries that need all group types.
og_notifications_form_alter in modules/og_notifications/og_notifications.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
og_notifications_user_subscribe in modules/og_notifications/og_notifications.module
Subscribe a user to a group or to be more precise, to all subscribe-able content types within the group. This method is also called during the upgrade process in .install.
og_og_create_links in ./og.module
Implementation of hook_og_create_links().
og_requirements in ./og.install
og_update_5703 in ./og.install
Notifications upgrade: Set flag to indicate that this is an upgraded installation.
og_views_handler_filter_og_type::get_value_options in modules/og_views/includes/
og_views_handler_filter_og_type_all::query in modules/og_views/includes/
og_views_plugin_argument_validate_og_group_types::validate_argument in modules/og_views/includes/
og_views_plugin_argument_validate_og_group_types::validate_form in modules/og_views/includes/