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11 calls to og_get_subscriptions() in Organic groups 6.2

OgSubscribe::_checkOgMembershipStatus in tests/og.subscribe.test
Check the group membership status of the specified user.
og_access_alter_nongroup_form in modules/og_access/og_access.module
og_access_node_grants in modules/og_access/og_access.module
Implementation of hook_node_grants().
og_activity_access_grants in includes/
Implementation of hook_activity_access_grants().
og_confirm_unsubscribe_submit in ./
Confirm og unsubscription submit handler
og_form_add_og_audience in ./og.module
Add OG audience fields to a given form.
og_is_pending_member in ./og.module
Determine the moderated groups a user has petitioned to join.
og_menu_access_unsubscribe in ./og.module
Check if current user may unsubscribe the specified user from the specified group.
og_nodeapi in ./og.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
og_user in ./og.module
Implementation of hook_user().
og_xmlrpc_get_user_groups in includes/