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10 calls to og_get_group_context() in Organic groups 6

og_block_details in ./og.module
og_exit in ./og.module
Set session variable thats used to determine group context when node is in multiple groups.
og_form_alter in ./og.module
og_nodeapi in ./og.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
og_node_delete_nongroup_form in ./og.module
og_preprocess_page in ./og.module
Make group context available to javascript for ad tags and analytics.
og_views_block_notifications in modules/og_views/og_views.module
og_views_block_search in modules/og_views/og_views.module
og_views_query_substitutions in modules/og_views/
Implementation of hook_views_query_substitutions().
panels_group_from_node_context in includes/
Return a new context based on an existing context