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namespace Drupal\og\Form in Organic groups 8

Classsort descending Location Description
GroupSubscribeForm src/Form/GroupSubscribeForm.php Provides a form for subscribing to a group.
GroupUnsubscribeConfirmForm src/Form/GroupUnsubscribeConfirmForm.php Provides a confirmation form for unsubscribing form a group.
OgAddMultipleRolesForm src/Form/OgAddMultipleRolesForm.php Provides a form to add multiple OG roles to a membership.
OgChangeMultipleRolesFormBase src/Form/OgChangeMultipleRolesFormBase.php Base class for forms that act on multiple roles.
OgRemoveMultipleRolesForm src/Form/OgRemoveMultipleRolesForm.php Provides a form to remove multiple OG roles from a membership.