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public static function PixelScriptBuilder::getPixelTrackCode in Official Facebook Pixel 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 src/PixelScriptBuilder.php \Drupal\official_facebook_pixel\PixelScriptBuilder::getPixelTrackCode()

Gets FB pixel track code $param is the parameter for the pixel event. If it is an array, FB_INTEGRATION_TRACKING_KEY parameter with $tracking_name value will automatically be added into the $param. If it is a string, please append the FB_INTEGRATION_TRACKING_KEY parameter with its tracking name into the JS Parameter block

6 calls to PixelScriptBuilder::getPixelTrackCode()
PixelScriptBuilder::getPixelAddToCartCode in src/PixelScriptBuilder.php
Gets FB pixel AddToCart code
PixelScriptBuilder::getPixelInitiateCheckoutCode in src/PixelScriptBuilder.php
Gets FB pixel InitiateCheckout code
PixelScriptBuilder::getPixelLeadCode in src/PixelScriptBuilder.php
Gets FB pixel Lead code
PixelScriptBuilder::getPixelPageViewCode in src/PixelScriptBuilder.php
Gets FB pixel PageView code
PixelScriptBuilder::getPixelPurchaseCode in src/PixelScriptBuilder.php
Gets FB pixel Purchase code

... See full list


src/PixelScriptBuilder.php, line 130
Contains \Drupal\official_facebook_pixel\PixelScriptBuilder.


Pixel object




public static function getPixelTrackCode($event, $param = array(), $tracking_name = '', $with_script_tag = true) {
  if (empty(self::$pixelId)) {
  $code = $with_script_tag ? "<script type='text/javascript'>" . self::$pixelFbqCodeWithoutScript . "</script>" : self::$pixelFbqCodeWithoutScript;
  $param_str = $param;
  if (is_array($param)) {
    if (!empty($tracking_name)) {
      $param[self::FB_INTEGRATION_TRACKING_KEY] = $tracking_name;
    $param_str = json_encode($param, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
  $class = new \ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
  return sprintf($code, $class
    ->getConstant(strtoupper($event)) !== false ? 'track' : 'trackCustom', $event, ', ' . $param_str, '');